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How do you feel about love?

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do you think love is a special feeling that you share with one and only one person who you feel is your soul mate?


or do you feel love is a feeling which can be felt only with a select few people?


or do you feel love is something that can be felt with anyone if you work enough with them?




i have always been one to believe in one true love. but i always here stories about how people used to love eachother, then they go on to mention 4-5 other people they loved.



so what is your take on love?

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I can't speak for others, so this is just my opinion on love.


Love is when you see yourself with that person, in the present and in the future. When you have that feeling in your gut that no-matter what comes to along, you will be willing to sacrifice for what you have with that person. Love is when you think about them, constantly, and smile everytime you see them. Love is when you can argue, and then make up, and argue some more, and know that at the end of the day, you love each other and even though things are hard, you will do everything that's possible to go through it, together.


There is much more I can say about love, but I think you get my point. Like I said before, I can't speak for others, so someone else might see it differently.


Hope this helps.



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I don't believe there is one true love. I also dont think love is everlasting. Love changes. It ebbs and flows, and sometimes dries up (not because of anybody's fault).


Love is a great feeling, but there must be more than love present, in order for a relationship to flourish.


Love is a fairy tale that dissipates. For love to work, one has to want it and work at it.

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Love is an unfortunate homograph. It's one word that has two different meanings, and despite the innumerable personal tragedies that have been caused by confusion between those meanings, the English language continues to use the one word for both of them. A sort of cultural masochism.


Love can mean caring, acceptance, attachment, comfort, trust, a sentiment towards a person with whom your life is so much better for having shared it with them. This is the kind of love parents feel for their children, true... but in essense, is it any different than the love that couples happily married for 50 years feel towards one another? I don't think so, really.


Example: "I love you".


Love can also mean infatuation, giddiness, delight, excitement, butterflies in your stomach, a sense of irresistible physical and emotional attraction. A rush of dopamine straight from the pleasure center of the brain, caused by receiving attention from and enjoying the physical proximity of another person.


Example: "But I'm not in love with you".


Need I say more?

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Well love to me is the thing that keep together everything. Its what binds all human beings together. Like compassion. Love makes you want that person more then anyone. They can make you soooo happy but at the same time they could break you at any moment. Love is trusting that they won't. Which is why i don't think i could be "in love" until i learn to trust. Love is such a strong word.

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I feel love is an expression. Its something that a person gives and shares with others without false expectations. Essentially love is no longer an exchange where you reward or punish someone if they don't reciprocate your feelings. In other words, the moment you know you are truly in love with someone is the moment when you realize that at any moment you can never see them again, yet find a comforting peace in the fact that you can embrace them with your love.


In times where its bad and you feel like you want to kill them even lol Its never perfect, but in those moments if you can find it in your heart to be the one to express love, then you know you "have it". If you're looking for the kind of love where there's an exchange back and forth and the second things don't go right, you close up and reject your love and their love.


I feel love is the ultimate expression and its not something only confined to humans. I do think that often it becomes hard to not want to grab on to someone and never let them go, hoping that you can create the most equal relationship with someone that helps gaurantee the feeling of security. BUT remember something, the cold hard fact is that even IF you have someone, ONE of you will eventually cease to exist at some point. You'll never know when that point is and if you make your life about them loving you back, it'll feel totally devastating when they're gone.


So that's why one needs to embrace the person their with and fully appreciate everything they have to offer. Times will be tough and not everything will work out as expected, but its a gamble and that's where the reward is. To see how well you can love someone in the moment even when it may seem most difficult too. In the times they are yelling at you, can you look into them and understand what they're really saying on the inside? If you can love someone even when it seems they are hypercritical, can you embrace them with love?


In fact love spawns some of the greatest things imaginable even though there's the constant knowing that one day should you two manage to stick it out, that you'll eventually leave each other. Now can you love someone while knowing at any moment they can be taken away from you?

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Maybe I'm cynical - But I think love is manufactured and imposed.


Just wait - Yes, I know how pretentious that sounds.


But I DO think inherently we all feel strong feelings toward certain people, obviously. But there are soooo very many different types of "love"


I love my mum because she's my mum but hate her in all other regards. I love my husband romantically, sexually, and as strong as a friend can love another friend. And I have a fierce, protective and very heartfelt, sincere love for my children.


i love humanity, superficially, but its a love none-the-less.


Soul mates - blah - obsession. Romanticised obsession! Fool's gold....

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