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Checking out guys ok?

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Hi everyone, my name is Michael and I've been having a dilemma in my head that I can't seem to work out without advice.


A couple of weeks ago my girlfriend and I used to watch movies a lot, and she always used to call the guys "reallly hot" and sexy and say she'd run away with them if they came to our town... That used to irritate me but since it's just guys from the movies I just shrugged it off and laughed.

I mean, every girl probably does that right?


But then just a couple of days ago I was driving with her, and when we got up to a red light there was a guy in a parking lot close to us getting into his car.

She looked over at him and practically drooled... she didn't take her eyes off of him and she said "Wow he's cute" and didn't look away until we had pulled away and he was completely out of sight, and then she said something like "Bye really cute guy I'll never be able to meet"


Should I be ok with this? Is this a normal thing a girl would do and what would you guys say/do if this happened to you? (if your girlfriend or boyfriend did that) In my opinion thats a really mean thing to do to someone... even if it's partly as a joke, since she really did think the guy was cute/hot.

Her sister was in the car with us and she looked at me in a way like "I wonder if he heard that", but my girlfriend didn't even act any differently.

I just really need advice on this because it's been bugging me for a while...

Thank you guys in advance. ](*,)

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hmmmmm i would NOT like that if i was on the receiving end......would not like it one bit. Maybe she does it to get a rise out of you, to make you jealous so you give her attention or cause a bit of drama? maybe she likes to fish for compliments?


Sounds pretty immature and insensitive to me.

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For one to truly understand, they need to experience it for themself.


I would suggest doing the same thing back to her so that she can see how it feels. Next time you see a hot chick, do the exact same thing and see how she reacts.


Only after this will you properly be able to convey to her how much you don't appreciate it.

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how old are you two? if she did that when i'm around, i'd probably say 'good luck with him, hope you two have a good future together' and walk away.


no way i'd let anyone treat me like that. i'm not into the whole revenge thing, that just makes you as bad as her. tell her to stop, or tell her to get lost

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I just said this in a different post that its human nature to look at the opposite sex if you're in a relationship. We'd all be lying if we said we didnt' do it. BUT, I do not think in my personal opinion that it is appropriate to blurt it out like that in front of you. I would be very upset. Two wrongs don't make a right, but I agree with everyone else. Give her a taste of her own medicine do it back and she how she likes it. I guarentee you she won't like it. Good luck from there !!

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She's pretty disrespectful and immature. I like these two pieces of advice the best:


No, not every girl does that. Usually only the ones at a junior high level say things like that.


I would have opened the damned car door and said "Get out the hell out and good luck with him".


Dump her and date someone with some class man.


how old are you two? if she did that when i'm around, i'd probably say 'good luck with him, hope you two have a good future together' and walk away.


no way i'd let anyone treat me like that. i'm not into the whole revenge thing, that just makes you as bad as her. tell her to stop, or tell her to get lost

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