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My best friends ex Girl


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My best friend who is like my brother broke up wit this girl like 2 weeks ago. the relationship was going rocky for awhile n e way and he knew i liked this girl first before they started talking n stuff. Well they went out cause i never told the girl how i felt. i've always felt that me n her had an attraction n stuff. ya know me and her are pretty good friends. yesterday me n her spent the whole day together, we went out of town visiting colleges n stuff. well needless to say by the end of the day we were makin n stuff. so uhhh what should i do? i mean am i a bad friend for doin kissin her? it was something we both wanted to do so ya know nothin was forced or n e thin. ionno i juss need sumone elses opinion. lil info bout this girl is she's awesome she's gorgeous like a model, she makes me feel like no other girl has ever made me feel. iight need sum help please!!!

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Hey Esh-


You've got to ask your buddy about how he feels about you making a move on her. Make sure he knows that your friendship is more important and to be straight with you. I'd keep the kissing situation to yourself at this point. If he asks, tell him, but I wouldn't bring it up.


Also realize if this does progress to a relationship, things might develop into a weird tiangle there.


Think about things, ask your buddy for permission, and go from there.

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like we talked about it one time...he said he knew i was gonna try n go after her n he said that was f*cked up...n me n in my infinite wisdom said if i was gonna go after her it would be like in march, april, may...n he got mad that i'd even think about it...he'd prolly be mad n not talk to me for a lil while cause after i said that i would go after her in like April he didnt talk to me for like a week...me n her always had more chemistry n stuff..she juss makes me feel different..like she makes me wanna be better...n they only dated for like 2 months not even..but he knew i liked her first..so i dont know...should i leave her alone? or wait for awhile n keep me n her between me n her n not tell him?

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You said you and he are like brothers. That's pretty serious man. If he's that good of a friend and you want to take things to the next level with this girl, I would ask him, or at least tell him and let him respond.


You might lose your friend over this or at least have things get weird for what could be a long time. Is that worth a girl? That depends on what you think.


I'd spend time with her and not have anything formal. That way if your buddy asks, you can tell him straight that you are just spending time together and aren't a couple.


This also depends on her too. I mean, if you guys really had super chemistry, why would she date your best friend then?


Just some things to think about I know you're probably going to go after this girl anyway...

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man Esh that same thing happened to me and one of my friends i had since 1st grade he supposably liked this girl before me and i dated her first then he ended up dating her behind my back (like without telling me) after we broke up. the alot of bad stuff happened from there on....i dont talk to either of them anymore...well not in that same way whatsoever so im telling u man watch what your doing you on steep slippery slope....with this


bros before hoes!! (haha im not calling your significant other a hoe..)





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