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Is It Love??

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I am 17 and I take dating very serious im not the kind of guy who will just hook up with anyone or go have sex with all these girls I have more respect for them then to break there hearts. Anyway I have met this girl who is a little younger then me but I have never had these feelings for someone before. My last girlfriend I liked alot we dated for 4 months but I never told her I love you cause we made an agreement that we wouldnt say it unless we meant it and she felt the same way. Well the girl that I am talking to now I cant stop thinking about her, I wake up and she is the first thing on my mind and all day I think about her. We usually talk every night she calls me when i get home around 11 and we talk till all the time I know she has feelings for me cause she has told me but could this be love. I have never felt this way before i just feel so good when I talk to her or when I am around her, if I am having a bad day she is there to cheer me up and she is just so awesome. What do you think? Cause some people say its just a thing with her but I dont think it is.

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I am sure people say this is a thing with her becasue you two are young. How old is she?? I can honestly say that you are the only one that can answer this question. Love is different for everyone. Your best bet is to ask people how they feel when they are in love. When I was in love I felt like you described. I hope this helps. Good Luck

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In my opinion, it could be slight infatuation mingled with a bit of lust. (But, I don't mean the type of lust that means you want nothing more than to have sex with her.)


I am 21 years old and in slightly the same situation. My ex girlfriend of 3 years left me about 2 months ago. In the past two weeks I have found a new girl that I am really liking. And, I am in the same position as you, I can't stop thinking about her, and she makes me happy, etc etc.... But I don't believe it to be love.... yet. Love takes time, work, and devotion in my opinion.


In my honest opinion, if you feel strongly like this, about this girl... then keep the relationship going strong; don't take anything for granted, and deffinitly don't do anything you will regret. If you feel this same way in time, I think the feeling will become stronger and stronger and you won't need to ask if its love or not.


Thats the big thing, if you have to ask it means you are unsure. I am the same way.... Just give it some time, and you will KNOW! ;-) Hope this helps.

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Hi- I read ur post and I use to hate it when my older cousins would say," Ur young, u don't know what love is yet." So, I won't say that but, understand we love so many people in our life time.....some is honest love and other times its lust and the idea that we are desired. when you find a person you have such intense feelings for.....follow what ur heart is saying. But, I'll say the same thing my mom said when I told her I had the same kind of feelings for this amazing guy. She said,"don't set ur self up for disappointment. We love so many people in our lives......some times its a forever kinda love and other times its a crush/infatuation. So have fun, don't say things u'll regret later but, most of all don't hold back on feelings. If u think u like her....tell her. If u truly feel it's love.....tell her. From what you say, It sounds like you understand the consequences of those 3 little words. But, understand this, once you say something or do anything it can change everything between the both of you. The most important advice I can offer is this: love is not perfect.....it can get messy and cruel. some one will always get hurt even if they won't admit it. I hear ur problem and I see myself a few years ago. I would get all dressed up to go to college, work, the store....just in case, I saw him.....We would get each other in trouble talking so much and even though he has changed into some one I don't know any more....I can remember every fun thing we did together, as friends and as lovers......and I don't regret any of it....even after he broke up with me 11 times......I still to this day love him......so no regrets, trust ur heart, trust her, and b honest.....good luck sweetie

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You see her for the first time in a month.. do u feel more the urge to be physical or to just catch up on EVRythINg?? DO u get butterflies in your stomach, or a sense of life and a feeling everything absolutely perfect? If your leaning toward the former for both, its lust. If its more liek the latter, your probably in love!

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