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I think it's over between me and my boyfriend..


This could be a longish post, so I apologise but your views will be much appreciated!


OK, so, on Monday, my boyfriend text me asking me if he could phone me. I had to text back and say no because I was at work, reallly busy but I said he could ring me at 5 o clock, after work, if he wanted to. He didn't reply.


5 o clock comes and goes...I don't do anything. I think I may have text him once to say goodnight but that's all.


All on Tuesday I hear nothing. I don't text him either...I don't wanna seem clingy!


So, Tuesday night, i log onto MSN and he's online so I decide, OK, speak to him. So I opened up a conversation and said "hey"...I get no reply.


Then I log onto Myspace...notice that he's on and having a chat via comments to his "first kiss". OK, now I'm thinking he's ignoring me! I just happen to read what they are talking about. I mean, wouldn't everyone read!? So, his "first kiss" is calling him "baby" and he left her a comment saying "love you even though you are nasty to me!".


By this time I'm starting to get annoyed. Should he be saying this to a girl when he has a girlfriend? NO! He's still ignoring me on MSN so I talk to a mutual friend who tells me to leave him a message telling him how I feel. So I do.


I say "Hey. OK, I dunno if I've done something wrong, or you are ignoring me, or you're just not there but I'm gonna say this anyway. Recently I've felt like we are growing apart, we don't speak anymore, you don't seem like you have time for me. Yet you have time for your friends and going out! You even ignore my Myspace comments, yet you sit and have a conversation with other people. Have I done something to you? Or is there someone else or something? You could at least let me know, because I do love you, but if I have done something I want to make it better, or if there is someone else, I would like to know so I can get on with it. Just please let me know 'cos you ignoring me AGAIN is driving me crazy because I love you..just remember that. But if you keep going on ignoring me then it's not a proper relationship so we might as well be over. I don't wanna be but that's how things go. I'll always care for you though, if we do break up. x x x"


I showed this to our mutual friend who said that was good and to see if he says anything. So about 2 mins later my (ex?) boyfriend logs off MSN. So basically he probs read it, thought "I can't be bothered with this" and logged out. I feel pretty crap.


I didn't hear anything all day today, and he's not online (blocked me perhaps?).


I dunno what to do. Do you think it's over? I'm gonna see him in 2 weeks (longdistance relationship by the way!) and I don't want things to be strange! I just dunno what to do




Thanks for reading my post


x Blondy x

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I'd say let it go. It doesn't sound like he's gonna be man enough to tell you himself. And don't look to him for closure, you won't find it there.

Ask yourself-do you really want to be with a man that can just ignore someone he supposidly loves instead of being honest with them?

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I know. He's done this before as well, when he "needed space"...so I gave him a month worth of space. Then things were GREAT but now he's gone back to that.


I'm just gonna leave it, get on with my life. If he decides to talk to me, I'll think about responding! But if not, then there is plenty more fish in the sea!!

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If he's ignored you in the past and wanted more space and stuff, then maybe it's better to just forget about that guy. I think you did the right thing.


But, I know that instant messengers and text messaging can be kind of hard to judge people through. Like not all my text messages go through correctly, so it's hard to really have a great conversation through that. Plus, I have friends that will not reply to a text, unless there is a question in the message, because they feel it's not worth writing a text for. Also, depending on your connection, MSN, AIM, or whatever can just disconnect all the time for no reason, even if you have a good connection. And, if that happens, you might miss some messages.


That probably doesn't matter too much though, if you know he's getting your messages, but just not replying. I think you did the right thing by leaving this guy. He doesn't sound like the greatest guy to be with, plus long distance relationships are hard to manage anyway.

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I've had a guy do that to me. Not long-distance though. He ignores you, hoping that you will initiate the break-up, so he won't look like the 'bad guy'. He's obviously ignoring you, that's not a good sign. Try to call him sometime and talk it through. Or else wait till you see him again and talk to him then. Cus this isn't right.

Good luck!

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