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ok, I'm in love with two girls. I don't know what to do they both love me back and they both love each other. there trying to talk me in to doing that three way marriage time thing but i don't know. i want to but then again i don't, when i talk to them both i get all happy and hyper and i feel like i just cant breath, is that normal? i don't know what to do. i don't even know were a three way gay marriage can be done or even if it can be done. I'm right now only engage to one. the other one keeps asking me but i have not answered her yet. i don't know what to say I'm scarred to say no and i really want to say yes. i just have not been able to say yes the word just will not come out. i guess what I'm trying to ask it what should i do i love them both with all my heart and i feel like i cant live with out both of them.but i dont really think i can keep both of them and have them be happy and thats really all i want is for them to be happy.

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Hey wow just stop right there hey, you are only 16 hun, you DONT need to think about get married yet, you have your whole life to get married you are still young. As for having 3 in a relationship well i am sure there will be alot of problems happening. Have a break from both of them, and YOU need to make up you mind who you want.


BTW why do you want to get married for so young? You dont need a piece of paper to prove your love, your heart does that.

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  • 1 month later...
thanks for ur help it worked i had a break from both of them and i found out who i love more thanks.


I am gald to hear that, thats great. And as for the gay marriges yes there are places around, just keep looking, plus you only 16 you proberly wont get married til your lke 18 right so you have penty of time

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i dont have to get marriedso young, i want to get married young, for like 3 deffent reason 1 i love her and i dont want to lose her,2 its the only why we can live together. 3 it gets me away from the family that hate me and in to a family that loves me.

First of all...congrats on finding someone you love. Not many people find that at 16. What you said is very convincing (meaning good points) I'm not gay but I do believe that you love this girl and that you are dying to get away from your family. But keep this in mind. Say you do get married RIGHT NOW wat then? you legally cant be on your own (you still live under a gardian until your 18) anyway. I know that you are afraid that you are going to lose her and Im sure the idea of marriage is really great but your idea of love may change from now until your like 20. Who knows? you may and up being together for life but i dont think its a great idea to rush into something soo extreame as this. If she really loves you, you won't lose her. But remember this is your decision. And I think i speak for everyone when i say that i wish the best for you.

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