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dateless in the bay

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I had a few burns a few times... but I haven't dated anyone for four months and feel like I'm ready to at least date someone. But for some reason, I just haven't even met any potential leads, which makes me sad. It even got to the point where I check out some online personals like link removed or craigslist, but I don't even find anyone nearby that I'm interested in the slightest. I seem to have peculiar taste, I guess. I tend to not be really interested in white guys, there are some, but few, tend to be guys of all other races, and those that are into reggae or hip hop or underground kind of culture. But the thing is, I don't meet too many of them very often and when I do, I may talk with them, but if they don't expressly show interest in me I don't do anything. Should I? I don't know, I miss having even a romantic interest in mind, someone to even just be interested in, but I don't even have that. Am I too picky? I mean, I'm very much *open* to guys that don't fall into that category, it's just they don't catch my eye. But honestly, they have to be well toned, intelligent, fairly good looking... not super hot, but just passing, I don't know what my problem is.... I don't flirt, I'm kind of serious I guess and maybe don't show interest, maybe that's my problem? I mean most people describe me as beautiful and attractive... I'm in shape. I'm interesting and dynamic... and sweet and caring. So why is it I'm single and dateless?

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I think you should give link removed or link removed a try. they're pretty good sites and you'll meet a lot of interesting men.


but don't forget real life! join an organization or volunteer club, and get to know people with interests similar to yours. just be open to meeting new friends, even if they are women, you never know who has a cute brother or cousin

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