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what ever happened to love?

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hello everyone, and well this past weekend ive been thinking about where has all the love gone??


I'm your normal 15 year old guy, but ive noticed that more and more girls are turning towards drinking and drugs and just hooking up with random guys and never caring what happenes...


what happened to the girls wanting young love and somone to love? someone romantic to hold them? I try so hard to resist smoking drugs and drinking with my friends, but all i find is that im always the second man to all of them. What happened to young love??

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I think that a lot of people your age might not be thinking about young love...I know that when I was starting high school, all the girls would be attracted to the "cool" guys, not the "nice" guys. And at this age, alcohol and drugs make guys "cool," as sad as that is, which is why you might be seen as second best.


I wish I could tell you that you'll find young love very soon, but obviously I can't make that kind of promise. However, I do encourage you to hang on to your values and morals -- they will come in handy one day, when the drinking and drug thing gets old. Remember, girls may want to have fun right now, but they ultimately want to settle down with somebody who genuinely believes in love.

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The notion of love seems to have died gradually along with religion and its myths and in the western world its all gone rather secular- with a nihilistic stance towards relationships. I admire you for staying away from drinks, drugs your showing an awesome will power- your associates are like a herd of sheep with no individualism, which you have in abundance.


Back in the day, family values, marriage, faithfulness were seen in the culture as virtures; not any more, you could say relationships were more special back then. Now, its just a free for all, everyone sleeping around with multiple partners and most relationships lack substance. Were end up with a world of single mums, step-dads and god knows what else- oh yes STD's


I'm very much an athiest, but religion in some respects did make the world a better place well ethically wise- now our culture is just decandent and meaningless looking toward science rather than religion for meaning- but science doesn't deal with values, feelings, wants like religion could and its trancendence- something is lacking in the human psyche and were turning into robots.


Its almost impossible to disregard the thoughts of others and their beliefs but you can limit them. If a few of your friends call you loser for not taking drugs, drinking, shagging around just laugh off the comments- its merely their subjective opinions and mere BS, lead the life you want to lead- dont follow the crowd- that's what takes real balls and deserves the respect.


Peace and good luck laboheme!!

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  • 3 months later...
hello everyone, and well this past weekend ive been thinking about where has all the love gone??


I'm your normal 15 year old guy, but ive noticed that more and more girls are turning towards drinking and drugs and just hooking up with random guys and never caring what happenes...


what happened to the girls wanting young love and somone to love? someone romantic to hold them? I try so hard to resist smoking drugs and drinking with my friends, but all i find is that im always the second man to all of them. What happened to young love??



what a good point hutch007

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