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I don't want to quit my job but...

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it's very hard at times. he broke up w/me 3 months ago after 3.5 years, he works at another location. always suspected something between him and my married friend who works with me, it was always denied. It's common knowledge now, today she's talking about taking off her wedding rings. i've been here more than a decade, he less than half of that, she even less. I was hoping for a reconciliation in the back of my mind, also knew it would be hard when he found someone but to see it so close; maybe it will help me get over it sooner. somebody tell me why i wouldn't want him back afterall?!?

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You wouldn't be able to trust him. And on top of that you deserve better.


Edit: Also to add "I don't want to quit my job" Then don't, you are strong, don't let him win. Maybe a transfer or move to a different department so you wont have as much contact as you do now.

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Because he is a ********** JK but not really




Seriously, because you deserve to be with someone who wont go start something with someone else while still being with you. Because you will never be able to trust him. Most of all there is someone far better for you out there somewhere.


Can you avoid this "coworker" so you dont have to feel bad at work? On the other hand if you are strong enough to see her and not go crazy it may very well also push you to get you over things faster like you said. But that is very, very hard. You are clearly a very strong person to be dealing with this so well.

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I am sorry for all you must be going through. I totally agree with the others you are strong to handle this so well.

Personally I would say look around at other oppurtunities for work. Seach it out, see if there is anything worth leaving this job for.

If you find something better, than take it & it could change your life completely in a positive way.

But on the other hand if you don't find something better. Stay. You've already made it 3 months through the hardest part of the break up with her in front of you every day. You could do this!


Maybe seek it out another job if your intrested, Change is always good, it allows you to room for growth. And you may find something you like more. But don't do it just to avoid them, (although that must be a huge bonus.) cause you really don't have to, you are a strong women. I admire that.

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somebody tell me why i wouldn't want him back afterall?!?


Well...let's see...you don't want him back because you don't want to be with a 1- Homewrecker, 2- Liar, 3- Cheater, 4- Someone who has wasted almost four years of your life, 5- Loser, 6- Did I mention "LOSER"?


It's not worth being upset over this "man" and "woman" (and I use those words very lightly.)


Life is full of upsets and distrubances, brush yourself off and move on. Living well is the best revenge! I don't think you should have to quit your job because of those two. If you really find it uncomfortable to work around her, see if you can move to a different department within the company.

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Well...let's see...you don't want him back because you don't want to be with a 1- Homewrecker, 2- Liar, 3- Cheater, 4- Someone who has wasted almost four years of your life, 5- Loser, 6- Did I mention "LOSER"?


It's not worth being upset over this "man" and "woman" (and I use those words very lightly.)


Life is full of upsets and distrubances, brush yourself off and move on. Living well is the best revenge! I don't think you should have to quit your job because of those two. If you really find it uncomfortable to work around her, see if you can move to a different department within the company.


I second all these reason NOT to want to be with him. It's soo true.

Don't ignore the facts- liar & cheater

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Stay. You've already made it 3 months through the hardest part of the break up with her in front of you every day. You could do this!


flower99 and everyone, thanks so much for your kind words! I'm feeling a little bit more at peace right now. I'm not being betrayed so why is this so hard. We parted 3 months ago, but something happened last week confirming their relationship for sure, so I felt like back at day 1 of the breakup. But the Universe provides, doesn't it, this is what I needed to move on, because I still miss him. At least I know I can trust my intuition! That was really driving me crazy because it's usually dead on.


She talks to her cube-mate (my good friend) about her "wonderful hubby" when she hardly mentioned him before last week; and then telling everyone how she's losing so much weight she'll need to take her rings off so they don't get lost. That's when I told my friend to STOP giving me hurtful information.


Last time I actually had a convo with married co-worker ex-friend she told me for probably the 10th time there is nothing going on, I shouldn't assume, etc. And a few emails since then saying she misses talking to me; wonders if I'm mad at her, etc. Because since this info came to light I've basically shut down our friendship.


It's so bizarre, why spend so much effort to convince me I am wrong about them? I think she's really worried I will spill the beans to her co-workers; one is a friend of her husband's. She confided in me that she cheated on her husband at least once that I know of, and some make out sessions with other guys. So this is the woman he wants?


OK I'm rambling here, being able to talk to you guys is a lifeline for me. I shouldn't be posting at work but I don't have a computer at home. That is what caught them up, inappropriate use of work computers....wouldn't it be just great if I got in trouble too


This board is the best, everyone have a wonderful evening.

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