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Well he called saturday and left a message and then called today saying he knows i am ignoring his calls and trying to forget him but is looking forward to meeting on saturday before he leaves for the new continent - My heart is saying yeah see him my head is saying what for - drip couldnt make up his mind about what to do about you and then went and did what his mum wanted and has left you at early 30s to start again when promising you the world - bitter yes wouldnt you be?


So what do i do i could be friends in a year but right now i want lots of pain to be inflicted on him - why does he call and say oh remember this memory - i thought i should tell you i remember it - what for


What is he trying to do play me !

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He is probably feeling guilty somewhat. As much as a person who leaves someone can. I can see how it would be a tough decision for you on wether to see him or not before he leaves. I think that if seeing him is going to cause you any pain then just tell him no. He has put you through enough already.

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awww..I am so sorry.

Follow your head on this one, your heart will lead you astray (it's still hopeing)


Your head is right, Why meet up with him? what for? he's leaving & he's toyed with your heart enough.

Meeting up before he leaves will only leave you more hurt & more questions.

Say goodbye on the phone if you feel the need....or not.

the distance & time will allow you to heal & let go of some bitterness.

I wish you luck & happiness


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the most important thing right now is to take care of your own heart first. And you are far too vulnerable to be in a position to see him so HE can feel better before he leaves, alleviate his guilt..ugh... I wouldn't go to see him, and you don't have to decide it today, you can wait till Saturday and cancel if you want to, this is your right.. take care of your heart first, I can't stress this enough.


Think this scenario all the way through to the aftermath. Say you go to see him and he feels all better and can go on his trip after alleviating his guilt and saying goodbye and go on his journey.. and you are left standing there in tears.. wondering, hoping, regretting, whatever you honestly think you might feel after having given him the gift of your presense again after he's made a choice to "leave you".


On the other hand, you don't go to see him, you let him live with himself and his choices... let him go without the satisfaction and gift of your seeing him before he leaves, let him wonder about you more, let him leave without getting another chance to speak to your vulnerable heart..


I really have a feeling his wanting to see you is all about HIM and has very little to do with you.. so be careful about making the choice to see him, or even talk to him again... I knew that I could not see my ex if his intentions were not clearly stated as to him wanting to "try again for us"... anything less than that was too much for my heart to take, and it was a tough choice, but I chose to NOT meet my ex for a "heart to heart" as he put it, I knew deep down inside it was going to be for HIM, so he could feel better about himself, and it would leave me feeling so empty, sad, more hurt, and vulnerable..


If you have any questions on how to handle it, ask them here, and think it all through. We've all been there, done that, and it's best for right now for you to be concerned for your own heart first.


The mistake so many of us make is that we fear if we are not the "nice guy" that we might lose them forever... but that is NOT true when it comes to sincere, long lasting love... so if he does in fact discover at some point that he's made a mistake and he does want to try again with you, he needs to discover this on his own, perhaps it might be best to let him live with his choice to leave you, and not see him or talk to him at all before he leaves... that "no contact" might be exactly what he needs in order to get him to honestly "think" about the choice HE made to end this relationship.


If he gets the satisfaction of seeing you and alleviating his own guilt, what thinking will he have to do then? just my thoughts, you have to do what is right for you....

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