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Problem going to parties together!

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Hi everyone!


Ok so my girlfriend and I have been going out for close to a year, we get on great and have heaps of fun together I dont think we have had an argument yet haha. But we have a little problem going to parties together. We have mostly separate friends, a few mutual.


Its mainly the problem when going to parties of my friends. I think its because the parties are usually a group of people who have all known eachother for years and are a tight knit group. When I invite her along I feel like I have to entertain her, be by her side all the time because she doesnt know anyone . Its just hard to feel relaxed at parties and go off and talk to different people. This sounds really petty and stupid but I find it a really annoying problem.


Any solutions out there?

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it is annoying problem - but think of it that way: Isn't it annoying that your group of friends isn't interested in paying her attention and trying to incorporate her into the group. Probably they're talking about stuff that happened earlier and she cann't start convo on that. And if she's not the most outgoing,dominating and assertive person who fits in easily in every situation she can't winn.

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