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Geeky Gamer Girl

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So I'm 20. I'm a very conservative Christian - and I only really want a relationship with other Christians, silly as that sound to some people - and I'm a gamer. I enjoy card games, role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons, computer games, Japanese animation, l33t speak, Star Wars, and anything with dragons on it.


I'm slightly overweight, and kinda pretty but nothing dazzling.


...am I just, like, destined to never find a boyfriend? I feel like I'm shooting for the world's smallest guy demographic - Christian but understanding/sharing my hobbies...



*shrugs* I dunno. I'm trusting God to provide either my perfect match at some point down the line, or to give me peace about being single. But right now it's frustrating to look into what seems like a bleak future.

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Sounds cliche, but really: Trust God and He will not let you down. Aim high and watch what He'll do! Stop expecting a bleak future and start expecting God to do as He promised.


The guys whom you describe are out there! You just have to find them. Why not start looking at church? Or school, maybe? The internet is always an option, is it not?


And remember, if God was able to make a suitable mate for Adam, He can surely do the same for you.

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Exactly. That's very true. When I was engaged, I was able to get my fiancee interested in video games. She never had much interest in them until I started talking a little about them. Slowly she developed an interest and before long, she was more hooked than I was!


If you love someone, then you will want to share their interests. So just because someone doesn't have that interest when you first meet them doesn't mean they can't acquire an interest. They definitely can!


Focus more on finding someone with the same faith as you (shouldn't be THAT hard, I know many Christians myself), and you'll do fine.

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Trusting in God is only part of it. "God helps those who help themselves" I don't know how may times I've heard that, but you can't just pray and wait. He will help, but you have to try too. Maybe He is testing how long you will keep faith in Him. Don't let your frustration grow to much. Pray about it. Don't worry about anyting. He'll take care of everything.

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Trusting in God is only part of it. "God helps those who help themselves" I don't know how may times I've heard that, but you can't just pray and wait. He will help, but you have to try too. Maybe He is testing how long you will keep faith in Him. Don't let your frustration grow to much. Pray about it. Don't worry about anyting. He'll take care of everything.


Yes, trusting God and doing nothing it is obviously pointless. But God never "tests" anyone, so it's more a matter of HAVING the faith in order for anything to happen. Having faith and not acting on it is not faith at all. One deludes themself if they say they have faith yet never act on what they profess.

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So I'm 20. I'm a very conservative Christian - and I only really want a relationship with other Christians, silly as that sound to some people - and I'm a gamer. I enjoy card games, role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons, computer games, Japanese animation, l33t speak, Star Wars, and anything with dragons on it.


I feel like I'm shooting for the world's smallest guy demographic - Christian but understanding/sharing my hobbies...


... wow, you sound like a female version of me ... except the age, I'm a little bit older.

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