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do ever think it might be all in your head?

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hey sorry for the vague subject heading, i just need some opinions on this, good or bad i dont care i just need something besides my own get-me-nowhere train of thought.


well let me say first off that i dont know if im a lesbian or not, im most def prob bi. but i wont know until i can really get out there and see, anyway most always i have thoughts of a sexual nature running through my head as i am a virgin as well. lol YES!


anyway ok so i have this group of friends, and one of my guy friends has a gf who used to be gay....which in my opinion means she is still clearly interested in women even tho she's been in this relationship for a long time. i can just tell she still likes girls just the way she acts and the things she says. anyway everytime i hang out with them and she's there i cant be myself because i think she's gauging everything i do trying to see if im bi, or les or whatever. i cant take it. i cant look at anything too long i cant look at her too long or i feel like she's trying "make a connection" through our eyes. i hate that * * * *. because even if i was she wouldnt be my type. haha. so what is this? all in my head. i want to be able to be myself and not worry that she's breathing down my back all the time. i get enough of that from my parents believe me. help! haha evil bat lol

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Well, I think it's all in your head, but this is a common feeling I guess atleast fr "noobs" as everything. "omg does she have a gaydar?" Don't worry about it. Just be yourself and have fun. You can't really see that someone is gay by the way they act. You can only get a feeling that person might be gay because of how he or she acts. Generally, if a girl acts masculine and dress that way people tend to think he's a lesbian. If a guy is somewhat feminine and sensitive and have colorful clothes or dress classy people tend to assume he's gay.


Don't worry about anything. I mean, what could happen? At the most she'll ask her boyfriend if you're gay. Don't worry too much about that stuff. She just wants to take it cool and relax. I suggest you doing the same. Have fun and be happy. As a quote follows that I've heard a lot on this forum and also myself used before. "it's better to be hated for who you are, than loved for who you're not."


My friends know I'm gay. They are totally cool with it and still love me


What I'm trying to say is; don't worry, enjoy life.

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