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I Think My Ex Is Jealous Of Me

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This is gonna seem like a really strange topic but, it's true. I think one of my ex's is jealous of me !!


I was in the town centre on my lunch hour the other day with my guy friend who was holding my hand (just as friends) when I bumped into one of my ex's. He just kinda gave my guy mate a look and said Hi and carried on walking!


So I went back to work, and after work I was meetin up with a different guy friend who lives in my street who was giving me a lift home. So when I met him, I gave him a peck on the cheek to say thanks for the lift, and who was walking by again, MY EX!!


So I gets home and I have like 3 text messages from my ex, asking who the guys were and what I've been upto and stuff. I explained that they were just mates, that I had a kinda boyfriend who I was on a break with.


I then go onto MSN. My ex starts to talk to me online. My display picture is of me and my 3 best mates (1 girl and 2 lads with me)..the guys had their arms around us on the photo. So my ex goes all defensive saying that I shouldn't let guy mates put their arms around me !!! I just ignored this comment! He then asks who else I am talking to online. I was like oh you, two girl mates and a guy mate. He wanted to know every detail about this guy mate.


I told my girl mate and she was like "Ok, he's either gay or jealous".


Then he starts to say he has a date with this girl we both know who likes him (poor girl!!). He kept trying to get a reaction out of me but all I said was ooh that's good, have a nice time! So when he didn't get a reaction, he went offline! Is this HIM trying to make ME jealous? Is HE jealous of ME? I am utterly confused but find this whole thing hilarious!!


Any in sight??

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ive finally gotten to the point where i am really, really enjoying the dating game again. ive got my swagger back baby! thing is that my ex and i have mutual friends and live in a reasonably small college community, so word spreads like wildfire. hmm, not to mention facebook! despite my efforts to keep my dating behind closed doors (both to keep the breakup from having any influence and because i dont want to appear to be trying to make my ex jealous) my ex definitely knows about at least one of the women ive been seeing recently.


and now she seems to be reacting in a way intended to make me jealous. but the thing is that now ive gained the perspective to understand that this simply means she herself is the lonely one who is hurting more than i am...


i do want to reconcile. you all think i continue with what ive been doing or should i reach out to her?


jealousy is a weak emotion, it speaks volumes once you can actually look at it with a clear head.

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