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Can you say "I Love You" to much

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My boyfriend and I, live about 14 hours away, we talk to each other everyday and visit when we can.


Lately I have been feeling lonely, I haven't seen him in 5 months and miss him dearly, the other day I said "I love you" to him, and his comment back was "you are some sappy, I love you too but you say it to much" is it wrong?


I guess that I have felt like latley, just kinda withdrawen from everything its just something that to me lets him know that there should never be any doubt in our relationship, or if anything ever happened I want him to know I did.


I was sopp. to go see him for Thanksgiving but that trip was canceled because of some family things came up, he was just as upset as I was but took the news worst then I thought.


Is it something that I should start to withdraw alittle more from saying or what?



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I'm in a long distance relationship as well. I say I love you to him at least 3 times a day. He then says it to me. He never complains about it either, but sometimes I feel like if I didn't initiate the "I love you" he wouldn't say anything in return. I think the fact that you and I say it is to get reassurance that the other person loves us back as well. You shouldn't withdraw from expressing your emotions

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I just don't understand why he'd say that, normal he would just say it right back, earlyer I was goofing around with him trying to cheer him up saying guess what? and then when he said what, i'd say I just wanted to left you know "I love you". He was all into it, since I got home from work he is just right grouchy, and when i asked what was wrong he'd say nothing? Then would be back to being all " I wish you were here" Irs weird?



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But being far away from someone for so long, it has a whole new meaning


"And ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation."


Long distance relationships require a special willingness and understanding that can test love like no other type of relationship can. It requires constant communication and a desire to continually create your relationship, using the only real tool you have... your words.

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i talk everyday with my bf, and he's saying i love you many times, more than me i think and i like it. maybe you have to say exactly what you feel, express how much you miss him and you'd like to be with him, so then say with all your heart" i love you" he'll get it right, you meant it.


but something important, dont do it much, its sweet of course, but let him wait for it, let him to be the one who makes you say those words;P if he likes it, he will have to say them to you.

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of course you mean it, i get what you mean, but maybe he's trying to make you smile cuase maybe you sounded some sad when you said i love you, i tell you this cause sometimes that happened to me too.


something i have learned is to pay attention to all that he makes for me, for sure its so good when you hear him saying that back, but while he keeps calling you it means lots, he needs to hear you, who does it if he/she doesnt care for you ?? for sure he loves you as much as you do for him ;P

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Guys are naturally a little less "sappy" than we women are. Don't get offended by it. He loves you too, its just a lil more difficult for men to handle emotional things. Maybe try to make it once per conversation, but dont be afraid to let him know. Be afraid when he stops saying it back!


Hmm some men can be. But I guess it depends on the level of intimacy and romance the person likes. I like it a lot. I've been honest about it since the day one with my g/f.


As for the "I love you" subject. Sometimes it can be a lot but there are so many ways to show that you love the person. I don't say it everyday...I don't even expect her to say it back to me. There are just so many ways to show that you love the person & if two people can communicate in such ways, it's a wonderful thing. It just keeps a relationship exciting & full of surprises. Wouldn't you rather have flowers, little text messages, written letters in the mail, hand made gifts & random "I love you's" rather then expecting it 'just because' it's Valentine's or it's someone's birthday?


That's how I feel about the whole "I love you" but also blush, he shouldn't really be saying that it's too much.

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My boyfriend and I say "I Love You" everytime we got to bed, or if we are going out somewhere. I think you stated before saying "...like what if something happened to either of us?" I agree with this. It's always good to reinforce your life if you have a place to go, because who knows what can happen. Sometimes I like to send him cards saying how much I love and appreciate him. I'm planning on making him a card soon and then sending it through mail.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it something that I should start to withdraw alittle more from saying or what?


I think it depends on why you're saying it. I know I suffer from "I love you" -itis when I'm feeling particularly insecure. I'll say it because I need to hear it back; I need reassurance that my loved one loves me.


If you're saying it because you feel it then it's probably not a bad thing. If you're saying it out of habit or because you're really asking for reassurance you need to examine your habits and learn to ask for what you really want. After all, asking for what you really want directly is a much better way to get it than being oblique.


Just my $.02 USD,


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My husband is in the military, we got married, four days later he left, and its been four months, I still haven't seen him since he left. I tell him I love him all the time, and it really hurts when he doesn't say it back, and I point it out to him and he will say he didn't hear me or something. He did tell me one time that I say it too much and it loses meaning... but I think he likes to hear it, and now that it has been a longer time with not seeing each other, I get to hear it a lot more. I think you can never say I love you too much , unless you don't mean it when you say it.

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hiya blush..


well at least ur bf would say "i love u" back to u. i'm in a long distance relationship, too. i miss my bf badly and i would tell him "i miss u" and "i love u". but he never says that back to me, instead he would just laugh it off. and he never initiates to say that too.


u r a lucky girl. at least luckier than me

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