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what nutrients is good for a better sex drive?


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im 22, and it seems like its getting harder and harder to keep my penis up, and usually i dont even last that long! it seems as if i dont have enough energy, i can never go for a second round unless i wait a half an hour or so to get it up again.

so i was wondering, what nutrients should i take to improve my sex drive? what kind of food should i eat more?

and just like body builders i know they have protein shakes and drinks to help them, i was wondering if there is something the same for my little problem? thanks.

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I'm a 22 year old guy, and at first round I dont last long, then after that I'm ready for 2nd round with in a min or two and the 2nd round will go on and on and on, then 3rd round I'm fit. I work out and I'm healthy. Maybe you should try that.


I dont think there is any kind of food to improve your sex drive.

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Go to any pharmacy of health food store, and you will see a number of things that claim they will do this for you; horny goat weed; ogoplex, libido max, vasorect, yohimbe, etc., etc., etc. Try some, one might help.


Also self hypnosis tapes and exercise and helathy eating may help too.

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Go to any pharmacy of health food store, and you will see a number of things that claim they will do this for you; horny goat weed; ogoplex, libido max, vasorect, yohimbe, etc., etc., etc. Try some, one might help.


Also self hypnosis tapes and exercise and helathy eating may help too.


I agree with Excersie, but not the pills, drogs, etc...

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When was the last time you had a physical check-up with your doc?


While you can receive overall benefits from regular exercise and eating healthy, and you *might* even get some benefit from the pills/potions/powders from a vitamin or health food store...although it's my opinion that a lot of the stuff those places sell is pretty much useless junk that delivers less than it claims...but I digress... Point is those things aren't going to help if you have an actual, physical problem in the getting/keeping an erection department.


It's not unheard of for a guy your age to have problems in that area that would best be addressed with the help of an MD.


So, I'd get a clean bill of health from your doc first (and be sure to tell your doc your concerns...you won't die of embarrassment, though it might feel like it, and I'm sure your doc has heard worse). Once you check out fine, which you probably will, then you can experiment with the rest of the stuff to your heart's content and your wallet's limits.


What's your overall lifestyle like? Are you getting enough rest? Enough exercise? Are you under a lot of stress? How often do you eat junk food? Drink alcohol? What about recreational drugs? All those things can negatively effect Mr. Happy's functioning, too.

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the last check up was about... id say a year ago.

my doc said im ridiculously healthy.


i work full time, i wake up at 7am and get to work by 8:30, i would work till 5 and be home by 6. on weekdays, normally after work i would just hang at my friends house or gamble and smoke a little pot. (ive only started smoking pot at a daily basis this pats month, still ive always had this problem since the first time ive had sex). i would sleep around midnight - 1am and the wake up at 7am just like i mentioned.

so on a weekday i would get 6 hours of sleep.

at work, i would say its pretty laid back, i work in a law firm as a records keeper, there would be some 30lb lifting here and there. mainly boxes. but alot of walking around.

im 5'11 150lbs, im pretty thin but not muscular.

exercise is close to zero. what kind of exercise do you suggest?

i dont think im under stress, keep in mind ive always had this little issue since the first time i had sex. and my cousin works with me, hes about 3 years older. and we live the same lifestyle, but this guy always tells me he can last about 3 or 4 rounds, and i know for a fact he does. (dont ask).

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Im 21. Work the same hours as you. I work management in a production plant, and I do lifting anywhere from 5-550 lbs. I do alot of walking, running, stairs and climbing machinery...


My exercise is just my work. I rarely get out to work out, or anything anymore. 6 ft 175lbs..


What I'm getting as it. Stress.. Or Anxiety.. I can't see you physically being unable to make thinks work out for you..


Does this happen all the time? Do you have sex with the same woman? Do you even WANT to have sex as much as you do?


Does it do this for you when you do it all yourself?



I'm thinking your stress and anxiety is doing it. Not only that, but you expect it to be like this everytime, and infact it's all in your mind.

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Seriously, if you're a guy, learn to love them.


My bf lasted a lot longer and wanted more and more, and was...well...bigger. By a lot.


Worth a try. Your GF will definently thank you for it.

Or take a Zinc supplement as that is what oysters are high in and supposedly the "magic ingredient" in them.

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See my post on this topic here:




I work with herbs and definitely think Yohimbe is incredible (extract). Red panax Ginseng has lots of testosterone which helps and saw palmetto oil I think works wonders. Selenium helps as does zinc for sure.


But you could have thyroid problems (toxins, especially radiation in the environment cause damage to the thyroid which triggers hormones and thus you need to supplement when you do not produce enough to function right - especially as you get older and it effects all of us). Personally my political opinion is that the toxins in the environment are intended to reduce the birth rate by making us too sick to boink and reproduce right.


Finally, I failed to mention a Native American aphrodisiac --- Tuliptree - the green sprigs and even the flower buds --- I tried these last spring and it was scary good.


QWhat is really the deal is that you need to have the right oils and hormones lubricating the whole reproductive system and the brain. Gingko is great for this too (brain and vascular system) as ultimately it is the blood flow and the electricity from the brain to the crotch along with the fluids (sparked by the hormones) that makes everything snap right and refuel or reload the fluids to shoot with and lube it all.


Don't be intimidated though. Get naked and just enjoy being together.


I think when one worries about it too much the blood goes to the wrong part of the brain and not to the bits and pieces where it belongs.


Turn off the lights, get all the clothes off, touch, fondle, play, kiss enjoy, and the magic will happen.


Oh - BTW, reefer does lower testosterone so that could be a factor.

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Well, at 5'11"/150lbs you're definitely not overweight, so that wouldn't be a factor.


Right now, I'm in the midst of reading this book called link removed, so most of what I'm going to suggest comes from there.


For your general cardiovascular health, you're looking to do about 30 mins cardio (brisk walk, run, bike, swimming etc. anything that gets you moving around and gets your heart rate up) 3-5 days per week, 10-20 mins strength training (free weights/weight machine...) 2-3x per week, and stretching for flexibililty (like yoga) 2-3x per week. Depending on how much walking/lifting you do for your job, you may be able to adjust those amounts accordingly. Like my dietician tells me, "it all counts." If you have access to an elliptical machine for your cardio, use it...in another 20-30 years your knees will thank you for that. Swimming is also easier on your knees.


There are exercises you can do to increase your stamina. One I have read a description of in several different places is to masturbate (either by yourself or you can have a partner masturbate you) to the point where you're nearly ready to climax, then back off so you don't, then repeat this pattern several times before allowing yourself to climax.


You might want to check into some books specifically on Men's Health/Men's Sexual Health for additional "delaying" techniques. I tend toward frugality, so I'd suggest seeing what's available at your local library in terms of books on Men's Health/Men's Sexual Health before plunking down cash for books.


If it's possible, you might want to try getting a little more sleep. And you might want to cut back a bit on the recreational herbal activities. A little toke now and again can enhance sex for some folks, but when it gets to be an every day sort of thing, it can lower your drive/desire for a number of things, including sex.

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Does it do this for you when you do it all yourself?



I'm thinking your stress and anxiety is doing it. Not only that, but you expect it to be like this everytime, and infact it's all in your mind.


yes this happens everytime. not with the same girl, but everyone else. and yes i want to do it somemore after the first round, but i just cant get it up. no matter how hard i try i really cant.

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Or take a Zinc supplement as that is what oysters are high in and supposedly the "magic ingredient" in them.



See my post on this topic here:




I work with herbs and definitely think Yohimbe is incredible (extract). Red panax Ginseng has lots of testosterone which helps and saw palmetto oil I think works wonders. Selenium helps as does zinc for sure.


But you could have thyroid problems (toxins, especially radiation in the environment cause damage to the thyroid which triggers hormones and thus you need to supplement when you do not produce enough to function right - especially as you get older and it effects all of us). Personally my political opinion is that the toxins in the environment are intended to reduce the birth rate by making us too sick to boink and reproduce right.


Finally, I failed to mention a Native American aphrodisiac --- Tuliptree - the green sprigs and even the flower buds --- I tried these last spring and it was scary good.


QWhat is really the deal is that you need to have the right oils and hormones lubricating the whole reproductive system and the brain. Gingko is great for this too (brain and vascular system) as ultimately it is the blood flow and the electricity from the brain to the crotch along with the fluids (sparked by the hormones) that makes everything snap right and refuel or reload the fluids to shoot with and lube it all.


Don't be intimidated though. Get naked and just enjoy being together.


I think when one worries about it too much the blood goes to the wrong part of the brain and not to the bits and pieces where it belongs.


Turn off the lights, get all the clothes off, touch, fondle, play, kiss enjoy, and the magic will happen.


Oh - BTW, reefer does lower testosterone so that could be a factor.


thanks alot you guys, so theres hope after all! i guess i lack labido.

so i guess zinc and herbs is my best bet? is there any over the counter vitamins that have these herb incredients that you may suggest?

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