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is it too soon to be feeling this way?

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Last week my ex-fiance broke up with me and it just about killed me inside. but the one thing that he told me on the phone was "i think there is someone who can treat you better out there." even though I couldn't imagine my life without him, i think he was right.


the other day i went to the rec center on this navy base and met 3 guys... of which one of them showed interest in me and i in him. we all ended up shooting pool for 3 hours and then exchanged numbers and by the end of the night, that one particular guy called me and we talked into the wee hours of the morning.


we talked today and even met up.. and by the end of the night we were making out. he was sooooo amazing! i couldn't believe that my feelings for him were so intense.


my question is... i love my ex so much still but when i was with the navy guy, all those feelings kinda disappeared. is it too early for me to be "over" my ex or am i just infatuating over what i want in a guy... especially since i felt really bad when things went wrong with my ex? Let me know please.

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i don't think it is wrong to have those feelings you may be one of those lucky people who are able to get over a breakup a little easier then some, but you may also need to think about the fact that maybe you miss the feelings you got from your ex and you want them back right away. i say you just keep going out with this guy and time will tell how you both feel about each other.

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