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Wooa! Ex Talks About 'us' But Has Gf!!! Male Advice Please!!

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OK, guys, if you've read my previous posts you will undersatnd this if not, GO BACK TO OTHER POST!


THE CONFESSION......................


I went to a 18th party last week, and as soon as my ex came over to me (has a gf aswell), said 'hello you sexy thing!'..i was shocked.


Then, later we were left alone by my friend, and he started talking about how he hasn';t found my CD i left at his house (was OUR cd), when last time he spoke about it said 'oh me and (nre gf name) dont need it'...sarcastically!


Then, he bough me a drink, and was pushing me and bit with his hip, and kept doing it for a joke, and smiling at me!


Then later on, him and my friend we're speaking about him getting a new gf and he then went 'SHE DUMPED ME', eg, talking about me!!


So, i again said to him about my mum's illness and how i still regretted it blah blah. He said he liked me afterward were first broke up, and how he was trying to get my attention for ages after we broke up. Then he made a comment about how we still could of been together now. Then, he gave me a hug , then another one, which i was surprised about!!


Subject changed to who i 'FANCIED' i said 'oh i like a couple people' (really i like him!!) and he was like, 'tell me' 'tell me', then we got interuppted by my other friend wanting to dance.


I was so shocked to hear him say all that stuff, he even remembered the day we broke up, he told me!!!!!!!!


But, at the end of the night, he was gonna to come bk to my friends house where a few people we staying over, including me!! But didn't.






I saw him afterwards kissing his gf ect. And it made confused to why he's making all these hints, in text messages too, to me and is still with her! is it just cause its easier for him?


We've spoken on the phone, I RANG, i know it was wrong!! But, he was busy so said well, ring me ack once you driven back home, IF UR STILL UP BUT DONT WORRY.


Then he texts me 'U still up? Ax' whatt! then we talk ect,have a laugh on the phone.


But, at college he'll give his gf hug or two, but, its weird. People keep telling me their not a 'happy' couple and he likes me still.


BUT WHY IS HE STILL WITH HER THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!








Thanks for reading...reply would be great!




P.s he's not a playa type boy - more like boy next door, lets just say if he knew how to play, i dont think he would 'get it'. lol

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are you sure? The way he talked to me wasn't arogant or full of himself. It was just talking normally.


he was saying ' why didn't say that you liked me, cause i like you too!'


'You know i tried my hardest to get you back at jaime's party after we broke up, but you didn't notice'


And when he asked how long we went out for, i said 'o wen did we brake up' and ran off the date competely.


hE WAS A BIT DRUNK....LOL. Thr thruth?


Just because people are telling me i should speak up and tell him, but i feel embarrassed and shy, of rejection. But, i dont want to hold back again and loose what i miss everyday.

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Pay attention to the big action here: He has a gf. Until or unless that changes, he's off limits. And next time he rubs against you or mentions "old times", tell him to go and talk with his gf. As painful as this is, trust me, the last thing you want to do is to become the 'other woman'. A guy who would mess with you while having a girlfriend does not love nor respect you. And you deserve that.


The guy is confused. Tell him to figure out what he wants and until then to leave you alone.

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Im 17 years old, and his new gf is in my friendship group along with him. So, im doubt i'd be the other woman...as he couldn't get away with it. And like i said he wouldn't do that..hes a good guy. We've been broken up nearly a year and always liked each othe rbut never said anything..we're both too shy.


Loads of poeple are teleling me he likes me still as well.......Shall i just wait.


I was thinking...' if he really wants me he'll brake up with his gf and do the right thing'


Cause, there's no point in telling him, as it'll


1. scare him

2. feel oblige to saty with india

3. no solve anything?!


or am i wrong?

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I was thinking...' if he really wants me he'll brake up with his gf and do the right thing'



Exactly. In the meantime, move on. He has.


He's not necessarily a bad guy. He probably does like you as a person (after all, you went out.) But for the time being, he is taken and will only waste your time. Not to mention, you don't want to start a rift with the other girl.


If it's meant to happen, it will eventually. But please don't waste your time and energy waiting. You deserve a guy who wants you 100%.

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I was thinking...' if he really wants me he'll brake up with his gf and do the right thing'


You got it sister.


If he really wanted to be with you the fact is that he would be. But for now he's choosing to stay with his girlfriend, for whatever reasons he has.


So for now, move on with your life and next time he starts to blur or cross the line a little, re establish boundaries by telling him "You have a girlfriend so please don't behave like that around me." And leave it at that.


You deserve someone who does not have a girlfriend already, who is 100% sure he wants to be with you, and who shows you that by actually doing it, not just 'alluding' to it, however vaguely.

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I am off the topic here, just a question pop up.


Would it be the right thing to do to chase someone knowingly this someone is not married but already have a gf/bf?


Would you doubt chaser integrity or faithfulness?


Some said, as long as they are not legally married, there are still chances.

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I am off the topic here, just a question pop up.


Would it be the right thing to do to chase someone knowingly this someone is not married but already have a gf/bf?


Would you doubt chaser integrity or faithfulness?


Some said, as long as they are not legally married, there are still chances.


Would it be the 'right' thing?


No, but if the person is happy and satified in their relationship, they will dismiss any attempts at an extracurricular relationship anyway so the pursuer isn't likely to get far.


But I would certainly question why the pursuer felt the need to chase someone who was already involved versus someone who would be more available to start a healthy and commited relationship with them.


Is this something you are going through?

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Actually there is this pursuer who want to chase me when he knowingly that I was attached to someone at that time. IMO, it is not ethical to pursue someone when you knowingly they already attached to someone but not married yet.


This pursuer was actually my former supervisor who bullied me at the work place. He is very manupulative and verbally abusive person.


If you read my post, I posted about problem in my work place. My former colleagues encourage him to pursue by saying that it is not illegal to pursue someone who is attached but not married. I think they are playing mind games on him. They constantly lies to each other. They even lie to me that I would be transfer to a very far away branch just to demoralised me.

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