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Pls. advise me on a plan!

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I really need advice about how to get my act in gear. Help!!!


I turned 27 last month. In June, I graduated with an MA after three unsatisfying years in the workforce. Prior to grad school, I had been working entry-level jobs at arts organizations and in publishing. I got the degree from a fancy school to get a better publishing job.


Since I graduated four months ago, I have taken on three internships, two prestigious and helpful, one not so much. I moved back in with my folks so I could afford not to get paid. I am also working retail and tutoring to finance things like going out with my (employed) friends.


So here's my problem: I need a plan. I feel like I am just bouncing back and forth between internships and little jobs. All told, my internship work and part-time employment total around 36-40 hours of work a week. No problem there, I am getting everything done. The problems come in with the additional, nebulous tasks I need to do, such as freelancing and starting my job search. I freelance regularly for a couple magazines, little things with the occasional feature. These articles get done, but usually at the last minute. The job search? Not so much.


I absolutely NEED to get my job search started, but I am freaked. I have given myself three months to get a job. I can't get a full-time job until my internships are over, after the first of the year, so I really only have two months (when I start applying in November). I have the next couple weeks to set up informational interviews and meet with alumni contacts, but I haven't managed to start doing that yet for whatever reason, even though I met with the employment office at my school.


I think part of my problem is that I am super competitive, a bit of a perfectionist, and an all-or-nothing kind of person. Also, I need structure. All this bouncing around and not having anyone to answer to is new to me, and I'm floundering. In grad school and before, I was used to spending anywhere from 60-80 hours a week working on stuff, but I'm having problems managing my time now. I sleep a whole lot, spend waaaaay too much time on the internet, and feel like I'm performing at half-speed. Like, it's nearly 11am where I am and I haven't accomplished anything yet today. This is horrible!


My question: where do I start? How do I accomplish what I need to accomplish and get all high-performance again?


I apologize if my post is a little jumbled. I am a little jumbled these days.

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I think there is so much societal pressure on people nowadays, to get a career, get a house get this get that all by a certain age.


I don't know if you are like me but i find, the busier i am, the more i get done.

i think I need structure too, but i'm terrible at it !


i find my problem is that i thik of too many things at once, it all becomes so overwhelming so i end up doing none of it and posting at enotalone, when I have several prioirities to do at work right now.


so, i'm probably NOt the one to be giving any advice, but this is what people tell me to do... just focus on ONE thing... get that and keep yourself busy with other things..


bla! i was probably not much help am I..

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Hazey - I'm a straight girl who's gettin' some regularly.


Hey, Shika. I'm in the same boat. This board is the greatest tool for procrastination I've ever found. Thank God I found it after I finished my degree.


I agree that there's some sort of societal pressure, but I'm feeling more of an internal pressure to achieve, and I'm just not, y'know? Ugh!

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Hazey - I'm a straight girl who's gettin' some regularly.


Hey, Shika. I'm in the same boat. This board is the greatest tool for procrastination I've ever found. Thank God I found it after I finished my degree.


I agree that there's some sort of societal pressure, but I'm feeling more of an internal pressure to achieve, and I'm just not, y'know? Ugh!



i know... i'm 29... traveled qutie a bit... back to working jobs i'm frustrated in, but have a million things going through my mind...


see. i'm still posting on this board... and i've been at work for 2 hours!

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