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Ok, this will be pretty long so bare with me. So, I have a beautiful friend who is a girl, and up until now that is all we were and I could keep my love for her a secret, but I can't keep it up anymore, I have to tell her! Ok, so here I go, I have liked this girl(Let's call her, "Molly" since before we were friends(5th Grade) but then I became friends with her soon after that(Beginning of 6th grade) and then all through 6th-7th grade I really liked her, but never told anyone. Finally in 8th grade I told someone and then it got around and everyone knew, but she never said anything about it to me. Then a couple friends told me that she liked me but I didn't think it was true at the time(and still don't). Then another girl which I liked(Not loved like this girl, let's call this girl, "Allison") asked me out, and well, I couldn't say no to her. So me and "Allison" went out for a while and we both really liked each other and well....the relationship kinda got a little too "Serious" when me and "Allison" started to make out all the time. And then the final part came when me and "Allison" kinda had a little bit of oral sex. So, I thought that the realtionship was getting a little to weird and going a lot to fast. So I broke up with her. Well, of course my friends started to think that I used her but that is not the case and me and her know it, I never suggested any of the stuff we did but my friends took it the wrong way. So, over the summer all my friends stopped saying I used her and kinda got over it. So, we all went back to school last week(Except "Allison" and some other people aren't going to the school I am going to this year) and I saw "Molly" there and fell in love with her all over again and I want to tell her and everyone else but there are a couple problems:


1. My parents do not allow me to date anyone.

2. My brother is a senior in the same school I am now going to and would find out about it.

3. My friends and everyone else might think I am going after another girl to use(Which I never used the first one)

4. I am really afraid of what she might say.

5. I don't want to ruin our friendship over this.



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