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Why do men cheat on the most beautiful women.....

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Do not get confused I am a girl and just becasue a girl or guy for that matter is beautiful does not mean everything...I have dated very good looking guys and they turned out to be idiots and then they became ugly. But back to your post guys always want to have that ego boost that they have a women that is pretty but can still be with whoever "so my guy friends tell me".

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Maybe no one is suppose to find the one? Maybe you will only be happy with a person when you let go of your preconceived notions and look for something else. I say I want a smart, funny, sexy good looking woman, usually the valley type girls. I'm only really attracted to these types of girls (sorority types). Yet they never work out.


Maybe I will never find the 'one' while I still hold onto these types of wants. But then I can't really see myself being happy with someone else. My friends say I need to be a little less superficial when I'm picking GF. Hmm I don't know, I form really deep and meaningful relationships with my friends, but I could never date them. I'm not attracted to them (the females obviously


So what do you think of that? I know it's a little off topic, but I don't think I've every really though about this until I read this post. I wonder… Do I have the wrong expectations, or have I just been unlucky and should search for what I like?

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I was in a situation when I found myself picking myself off the floor when my ex cheated on me. She lied to me for many months about it, but finnally came clean. When she did, she hasn't seen me for a while and complimented me on how I looked and how well it seemed I was taking care of myself. She still looked as stunning as ever.... I don't think the issue is with beauty, it a matter of getting bored and complacant with one person's mate, so they go out seeking new and exciting things, kind of like the first time when two people meet and kick off a serious relationship. Some people thrive off from that, while others are committed to make things works work out, no matter the cost. For my relationship, when the excitment wore off (for her, I was always excited to see her everyday! Well, not now! ) She was trying to meet as many men as she could and tried to hide it from me. Now she has a reputation amongst her social groups and mine. Everybody gets what they deserve eventually.. Me? I think I deserve a beer when I get off work!!!!

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  • 2 years later...

Why men cheat of beautiful women?


2 reasons.


1. They are insecure.


2. They really have a nasty sex drive.


Either they feel the need to prove themselves that still got that... charming factor.


One can say its biological. Its raging hormones. It not that it a trend or anything. They are just having difficult time controlling it. Expect them to ask for help, forget it.


Pride aside. Even if they did, would their girlfriends help them? Most won't. Women, or girls only want to be pampered and loved. Most women don't want to settle for baby sitting their bf. Sex drive or anything.

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Kobe got married too young.


Celebrities do what they do because it is what keeps the public interested in them, keeps you buying their magazines, going to their movies, buying their books, and listening to their liberal points of view.


Lets see. Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt get together right before Mr. Mrs. Smith comes out.


Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes get together right before MI3 and Batman comes out.


See a pattern here?

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It really breaks my heart when I hear about cheating partners..


Even goddamn Hally Berry got cheated on! Vanessa Williams and Rick Fox..Usher and Chili..People I personally know. Dang!


Anyway, I have no explainations as to why these men would cheat on their women. I think a lot of it has to do with personality, character and integrity. Other times, people cheat (i.e. a woman who cheats on her abusive husband) because of the situational factors that they're in but we're not aware of. And, some people are just either REALLY really horny, and/or they just FLAT OUT have no sense of Respect for anyone whatsoever!

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Kobe got married too young.


Celebrities do what they do because it is what keeps the public interested in them, keeps you buying their magazines, going to their movies, buying their books, and listening to their liberal points of view.


Lets see. Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt get together right before Mr. Mrs. Smith comes out.


Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes get together right before MI3 and Batman comes out.


See a pattern here?


AGREED! In my mind their lives are not real life, more like the "truman Show" every move everything they do is done for the most part on an appropriate time clock to attract the most attention to themselves as they can. I would NEVER compare my life or relationships to celebrities.

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What is wrong with you men...


Why do you all have to cheat on pretty women..with the town tramp??? The trailer park rose? The Ghettofabulous"????


Jen and Ben?

Koby and Vannessa

What is the deal...


Good sex bad sex, tramp gets a lot of pratice. Nuts I know but thats some guys for you who do know better.


Mind you the tramp could be a tart with a hart

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It really breaks my heart when I hear about cheating partners..


Even goddamn Hally Berry got cheated on! Vanessa Williams and Rick Fox..Usher and Chili..People I personally know. Dang!


Anyway, I have no explainations as to why these men would cheat on their women. I think a lot of it has to do with personality, character and integrity. Other times, people cheat (i.e. a woman who cheats on her abusive husband) because of the situational factors that they're in but we're not aware of. And, some people are just either REALLY really horny, and/or they just FLAT OUT have no sense of Respect for anyone whatsoever!


nice one, BillyJean714. Its typical for women to play the blame game, as well as filtering the facts that contradict them.

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Because a person's character, values, and self-esteem have no connection with a person's physical appearance. A good-looking person is not necessarily a good person.


A person who is inclined to cheat on their partner would cheat on their partner no matter what their SO looked like.


A person who stays with a cheater or in an abusive relationship has issues of their own that have nothing to do with the cheater/abuser. If they do not resolve those issues for themselves, chances are they'll end up with another cheating/abusive partner in their next relationship, too.

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more importantly,


why do women cheat on a great guy, who is good looking, has personality, and is head over heels for them with someone who has emotional issues, is not as good looking, and works with them, having to see them every friggin' day?

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Pride aside. Even if they did, would their girlfriends help them? Most won't. Women, or girls only want to be pampered and loved. Most women don't want to settle for baby sitting their bf. Sex drive or anything.


Jack, how do you propose that a woman helps such a man?

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