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I am trying to talk to girls in general but always fail. This makes me feel really bad about myself. For example today, I try to talk to one girl in my school but she showed no intrest and could wait for me to leave. I try asking for her cellphone number, and she replied i dont have one, but I know she does. I am not sure what I am doing wrong or whats wrong with me. My friends says I look great and am a sweet guy.


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hey exe - welcome!


As discouraging as it is at times, ya just can't quit trying. That's the ONLY way you're going to succeed is my continuing to try.


If you can get through the many inevitable rejections most ALL people go thrru when first dating, then UP - INCREASE the amount of girls you talk to.


The more numbers - the better the chances....

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Hey, eXe333...welcome to eNotalone! Thanks for finding our forum; we're glad to have you here.


The first thing I thought after I read your post was, at least this guy is trying! Seriously, you would be surprised how many people in their twenties and thirties are terrified of even attempting to talk to a member of the opposite sex. So, at your age (for some reason, I'm thinking you're in high school?), you already have a good attitude, even if your initial attempts haven't gotten off the ground yet.


What I would suggest is to try and figure out if you are asking for phone numbers from girls you actually have things in common with. How well do you know them? Could it be possible you're coming on a bit strong too soon?


If you could give an idea of what you know about this current girl, how much you two have talked together in the past, etc. and why you want her phone number, this might help us sort some things out. It could very well be you're not going for the girls who would actually be interested in you.

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I have tried many times before. I am in college. I am also a bit scared, if I say something bad, or the girl doesn't like that I am talking to her. I sometimes can to talk to older girls, but they far too old for me, and they seem pretty friendly.


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What I would suggest is to try and figure out if you are asking for phone numbers from girls you actually have things in common with. How well do you know them? Could it be possible you're coming on a bit strong too soon?


If you could give an idea of what you know about this current girl, how much you two have talked together in the past, etc. and why you want her phone number, this might help us sort some things out. It could very well be you're not going for the girls who would actually be interested in you.


Thought I'd repeat what I said here, since you didn't answer any of the questions I asked. I can't really offer you any suggestions without understanding some of the above.

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Thought I'd repeat what I said here, since you didn't answer any of the questions I asked. I can't really offer you any suggestions without understanding some of the above.

I am not sure how to answer your question. How can I get to know the girl, if I am even scared or dont know how to introduce with her.


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I have tried many times before. I am in college. I am also a bit scared, if I say something bad, or the girl doesn't like that I am talking to her. I sometimes can to talk to older girls, but they far too old for me, and they seem pretty friendly.



That's because most younger women are immature and extremely harsh when judging men, especally shy men.

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Ya, some days I tell myself "today I'm going to try my darndest" but it always ends in failure ](*,) . I truly think there are a lot of factors working against me in tandem, so the overall effect is to turn all girls off, either consciously or subconsciously.

For example today at school I was involved in a social event that included fundraising for my club. I observe other guys and they are able to attract girls' attention in a favorable way, using the right tone, words and body language. They may not get a date but at least they have no problem making a new female friend. I can't even do that. Like when I asked people to buy our stuff, EVERY young woman out there gave me a weird look (without even a smile), or would give that sort of creepy watery smile as in "wow, this weird guy frightens me, I want to run". The only people who were polite to me were guys and older women.

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What approaches should I take.



I'm kinda in your boat too. I have the hardest time when talking to women I like. I have felt more comfortable over the years though. I've found that talking to them as if they were your friend helps too. Like how do you talk to your close friends? Don't you talk about funny things, have inside jokes, and feel comfortable talking about almost whatever? Maybe pretend the girls are your friends. Oh and another thing that I've realized is that the more obsessed I am with the girl, the harder it is for me to want to make a move and break the ice.

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I'm sure it's always possible for the girl to be shy. But I'm unsure how you can tell. Just gotta talk to them one way or another.


Are you ever really nervous when talking to girls?

Im not nervous.Its a shame im old, and cant talk to girls.


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sounds like your being a little too straightforward. I don't know the social setting you were in, but if you could tell the girl couldnt wait for you to leave..then why ask for her number?

You got an excellent point. But still Ive gotta learn.

Can someone give me more advice. Some steps I should take.


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