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Natural anti depressants

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Do a search for "Serenity" "antidepresents" but spell them right ofcourse. RESEARCH first. This stuff looks scary. But I was desperate. And It was the most amazing thing. Problem is, I was not going through something like this at the time, and I thought I was better and I took myself off of them. Once I did this, they never worked for me again. Ask your doctor, it is herbal lithium which is scary as hell. I wish I never got off of them. I felt better than I ever did my entire depression.

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Many believe St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) works but it is not FDA approved.


David Servan-Schreiber, M.D., Ph.D., has a book about the subject where he support the opposite view, see The Instinct to Heal: Curing Depression, Anxiety and Stress Without Drugs and Without Talk Therapy

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yeah, taking herbal remedies isn't always safe. they can interact with many prescription medications.


i am also not aware of any research that shows that st. john's wort has an effect. it could be a placebo effect, like bella said.


i guess if you want to give it a shot, go ahead, but talk to your doctor and make sure it doesn't interfere with any meds you are currently taking.

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How about trying a dose of prayer? You dont need to kneel down and chant a psalm. Just talk to Him like you talk to your therapist.

i think i will try this 2, i just feel like i have no hope nor energy to make myself feel better


Thank you all for your comments

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Detox yourself and have fun, exercise and enjoy life is the cure for depression.

The Asians have natural ways such as Chinese green tea and other teas and other stuff such as accupuncture.


Yes, green tea is supposed to be a great way of cleaning out toxic stuff out of your system. Eating a lot of processed and sugary food can really make your system sluggish, and I've also heard that acupuncture can rejuvenate your energy flow. It may sound "new agey" but I know too many people who can't praise accupuncture enough.

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