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my ex found gay emaill?

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hi im 19 yrs old, strate male. and thru the summer i was confused with my sexual orientation. i surfed gay sites and forums(which is how i found this). i came to the concluision that i am still strate and find women arousing..and am jus curious. neways i reallllly liked this girl we were together everday then outta nowere she broke up wit me...not to mention with a TEXT MESSAGE!!! i would always sign on my myspace with her on my lap and my password for myspace and for my email are identical!!!by the way i had something is there from about gay link removed and i kno she is nosy. and today...she left a comment on her friends myspace sayin.... "men= ***** and you kno who im talkin about" i have nothin against gay people i actually have a gay friend and i look at him for who he is.not some stupid label. however i dont want this getting out and messing up my reputation. is it likely that she believes im gay:

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Sounds like she may have seen some of your internet history when you were together. Sounds like she knows your passwords, etc. and most likely signed onto your accounts. Doesn't sound too smart to let her see your passwords when you were together, esp. knowing that you had some things saved that were gay related.


I would change your passwords! If you want to be with her, ask her what went wrong between the both of you.

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