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Please read a poem I write. You're feedback would be greatly appreciated!

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For real? Do you mean what you say?


I realize, see and feel the emotional pain

Seeing your picture brought me a frown

Wishing your broken promises wouldn't abstain

Your actions are causing our friendship to drown

Words can deceive…please be calm…. make sure to refrain

I wish to see, hear and feel the truth; don't mistake me for a clown

Your hidden anger seriously untamed. It can't sustain

Look into my eyes then rationalize my frown

My soul bearish emotional pain

My hopes of us reconciling are way down

You love me you proclaim but my heart is stretched with strain

Four years and counting, good times gone bad…see my frown

Your presense I endear though I hurt deep inside… my tears flowing like the rain

Respect and Trust goes together; Words and actions brought astound

You're promises doesn't equal your actions; hurt and pain

I want nothing more than our friendship to abound

Quit lying and quit going insane

Truth and Honesty, How does that sound?

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