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Recently I started cutting... I'm not looking for attention but there is something I dont understand... I do it, because I feel I want to, but I have no clue actually why i'm wanting to do it. It satisfy's something in me, i dont know what, i dont know why... I feel addicted to it and every night i'll do it once or twice and just watch my blood come out, and then i am fine............. why do I do this..... why the am i doing this...

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well.... I think like you said, you are doing it because you have some emotions that need to come to the surface. you are doing it because you want to heal.


I have a somewhat similar problem - sometimes, when I am upset, my first instinct is to eat a brownie or cake. however, my problem is still there after the brownie is gone. much like the cutting. you can cut, or you can eat, but the same problem is there, and nothing is improved, apart from having extra calories or a new scar.


I would definitely talk to a counselor, try to solve your problems in a healthy way, so that they don't come back.


good luck - we are always here for you.

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The reason why you cut isn't something you can easily put a finger on. The reasoning is often complex, involving a lot of reasons, and reasons that make sense at one time might not hold true other times.


It's a distraction and a temporary comfort all at once. The appeal I found in it was having something physical to hurt over as opposed to something emotional, abstract and often vague (self esteem issues, social conflicts, so forth). It's easier to deal with a cut than it is to deal with feeling like a complete failure; and then it was even better to be able to put some Neosporin on it and a bandaid and call it a day. Of course, those were my reasons, and there were many other reasons mingled in, like breaking through the numbness or substituting the pain. I didn't really understand why until after I stopped.


All the reasons above show why it's just a temporary fix. You have to keep "reapplying" it, and it doesn't make the underlying issue go away but often makes it worse because in the process of ignoring it, you just might be exacerbating it. The fact that it doesn't make sense is probably a sign that you shouldn't be doing it - something that makes you so confused and maybe even bewildered is something your gut is trying to tell you not to do.

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It's no use siting wondering and doing nothing about it as nothing will change and you will never break the cycle. Education and understanding is the way out.


Start looking for sites on SI as they wil give you the understanding you need about why you do what you do. Once you understand why you do what you do, you can use the good advice on how to stop.


I found this one for you as others seemed to find it useful. link removed . Good Luck

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