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Pleasee,tell me your opinion,it's important to me

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I've been with my boyfriend for 1 month and a week.Things weren't going bad,except that we almost always went out only with our company(group of people) and rarely the two of us.Then at first people told us we weren't paying much attention to the others in the group,so we agreed to fix that.But it went in the other direction-he stopped paying attention to me at all(like yesterday people didn't even know that we have a relationship) and after talking with him and no effect,I stopped paying attention too.He got mad about it and yesterday at the party at my place he started flirting with a friend of mine and they were playing and fooling around all over my bed.My friends were looking shocked and wondering how could he do that.Then my friend just asked "did we cross the line?" and my boyfriend just "is something wrong?".I can't stand someone treating me this way so I decided to dump him today.Do you think I'm overreacting or do I have a point? What would you do if someone acted that way?

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Oh dump him before things get worse. Messing around with your 'friend'? Blegh! I agree with Scotcha, dump her too. He sounds way too immature for you. If you dump HIM, you can walk away with PRIDE girl!!


Let us know. You find a WAY better guy that this.

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yeah, I agree, a lot of your relationship seems to revolve around what other people think. this doesn't sound healthy.


yes, talk to him, tell him he crossed a line, and if you feel that he make a geniune mistake, and he feels badly and want to try again, do so, but spend more time as a couple alone.

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