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friends breakup

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Hi all (again)


What's the situation (in your oppinion) when two people break up,

we all used to hang out in one group, and now two of the group have split up, it's become akward. the boys in the group have always had like a pact where we don't really go out of our way to chat to each other's ex's, only if we bump into them, but recent events have led me to believe this is wrong.


what's the general rule? can we/ shoul we speak to mates ex's if it hurts our mates feelings to do so? can you date a friends ex? what about all the lads in the group (except the dumped one) going to his ex's B/day party, should we go if it upsets our mate?


Please help.

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It can get kinda complex. In general, I don't think I would hang out with my friend's ex if I know they had a bad breakup. And I def would not try to date my friends' ex's. If you had to, I would talk to the friend first to see how he/she feels about it. It's all about respect and I know I certainly wouldn't like it if my friends go out with my ex's behind my back . . .

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That's exactly how I feel about it to, for my friends sake, it would hurt his feelings loads if I went to his ex's party and hung out with her.

I bought this up because someone told me I was wrong and my friend should just deal with it.

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