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should i tell his brother?? please help..urgent

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hey everyone! ok i have a question about telling someone they like them or not! i have been in love with this guy joe since about 7 grade, i am now in 9 grade, and still we have not gone out, but over the past couple weeks we have gotten alot closer, or so it seems. well today i went to the pool and i told joes brother brad that i liked joe. and he said ohh really? and stuff and brad is a freshman in college and says that im hot and the perfect size and stuff and n e guy would be lucky, and i kno brade doent liek me were just really close! so would it be ok for me to call brad up and ask him to find out whether or not joe likes me or not? becaus i want to know if im wasting my time or not? please help me out! i need alot of advice im very confused and hurt inside because i want to know! thanks so much!

celci 8)

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Hey Celci,

Personally, I'd try to talk to Joe himself, but I don't see a problem with calling his brother. You guys know each other, and he seems cool, so why not? I don't understand why you need so much advice...just go ahead.


To the future, cheers!

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I have an Idea, if Joe doesn't notice you, why don't you sleep with Joe's brother and if Joe's brother approves then maybe he'll let Joe know.


or maybe you can just go right up to Joe himself and Let him in on your secret crush.


PS. Guys like mini skirts

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Please do not listen to Kym she/he is just kidding! F$%#ing around will only label you as the 9th grade hoe.


I think you should wait and see what happens, I am sure that his brother has already told his brother that you like him.

If you call him that may make you look too needy, why do you not figure out if he likes you for yourself, you can tell if a guy likes you or not


Good Luck

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I am in 9th grade right now and I am a guy. And I will tell you that I am willing to give any girl a chance and maybe he is the same way, I know for a fact that all my friends are the same way too and we would give any girl a chance. What I am saying is, Why not go right to him yourself, it will show him that you are brave enough to handle your own problems head on and I know that I would rather hear that someone likes me from the person that likes me rather then from someone else.

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