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How do I talk to this gurl I like

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I have this gurl in some of my classes at school that i really like, I mean i have liked her for at least 3 years now. I talk to her on the internet but i just cant seem to talk to her in person. It really, really sucks. I want to talk to her sooooo bad but i get too nervous, and i never know what to say. can someone please please help me.

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Since you already talk to her online, you have a leg up advantage already. She knows you. You know her. So it'll be alot easier talking to her than if you didn't even know her. Keep that in mind. Just remember that you have tons of stuff going for you. Have confidence in yourself. A really easy way to talk to her in school is to start a conversation online, and get to something that she really wants to know about (a secret, etc), and then say "I got to go, but I'll tell you tomorrow in school!" There. Now she wants to see you in school, and you have something to start a conversation with.

Otherwise, just be yourself and say "What's up?" I understand the nervousness, but experience tells me the more you talk to her, the less nervous you will be. So start now, and soon you two will get closer in real life as well as on the internet!


Best wishes!

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Wasup Racer !


This maybe a hard question. Does she "like" you? I mean that she like you as a friend , does she says "Hi" to you at school. Does she ask you about recent tests you wrote, or works bla bla bla.


What do you talk about over the Internet, the next day continue the conversation. Becaue she may something to add and you too. So If you know her for 3 years...... If she liked you , she probably tried not once to aproach you , but you didnt notice that , trust me.


So talk to her "bussines" , school stuff and what is around.


After all what do you have to loose , her e-mail........

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Just smile at her next time you two lock eyes. You don't have to say anything except "hi". If she starts talking to you all by herself, that could be a good sign. Just don't confess that you've wanted her for 3 years now. Just start new with her be cool, and don't flip-out if she doesn't want you like that, after all its not like you've liked her for 3 years going... Oh wait.

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