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this love isnt healthy

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ok well i met this guy months back, he has a daughter and he was married before, but there getting a divorce soon. I fell in love with him, and its sickening...we sleep together everytime we get to hanging out.; i know he cares about me, but i did so much for him and he just doesnt want a relationship. I dont know why i keep waiting for him when i know for a fact he will never be together...hes a playa and i know this, but i just cant let him go and i dont know why...i know im better then this but i keep setting myself up for the heartbreak...what do i do? he really is a good guy deep down but just confused i guess.

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The way men and women see relationships is very different. It is in both our nature the following: we women are more "emotional" and men are more "physical". Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that men have no feelings or that women are all emotional, it is just that is a tendency that we have. It is in ourselves to try to make a balance, or not make it at all.


I am not one to judge since I am in a situation similar to yours, but just be careful not to get hurt anymore. Neither of us know as a fact how are we going to react to different situations, until it happens to us.


Wish you success with any decision you make.

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