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i saw my ex with a new gf then he was all over me! Confused!

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I'm so confused my ex broke up with me a month ago we i wanted to do the "friends" thing because i felt i could deal with it better that way. However last night i saw him out in a pub with a new girl i was really hurt and decided to avoid him by going to a club that i didn't think he'd go to. Anyway it turns out he did towards the end of the night (he wasn't with the girl) he pinched my bum and started chatting to me. I took as a joke and ignored things. Then when i was leaving the club he came over to me and put his arms around me and said he was so sorry that he'd treated me so badly and was a wanker. I was off with him and just i didn't really want to go through this right at this precise moment in time. So i started walking off and he followed with his friends and again started putting his arms around me and trying to cuddle me and we started to chat for about an hour like old times sake and he was being really flirty. So anyway i said i had to meet my friends to leave and he said he wanted to meet me for a drink this afternoon for a drink as "friends", i said he wouldn't text me and he said he would and he'd actually bet me £5 that he would meet me! but i'm so confused i don't know what to do! And whether he is actually over me?

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dont guys just confuse the hell out of you?? me too.


All I can say is that you need to be careful. he may relly like u still, but it may be that hes is trying to make himself feel less guilty. Try and take some time and space though I know it will be bloody hard. And never ever thinks its cause of you. People chnage andI can guarantee its probably nothing u ahve done. just be carful with him and you herat for a while - we are all here for each other so take heart. Just try to take all hes says with a little cynicism for a while - this ay sound harsh but you did see him with smeone else and that is never good for you.


hope its gets better sweetie



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