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In the Gym


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Was looking for some advice on how I could go about talking to a girl at my campus's gym. Now usually I wouldn't try such a thing, but I've seen her looking at me plenty of times and I think she's gorgeous to warrant an attempt. She's usually with a friend. I don't know either one of or know anyone that does so this is just a total stranger thing.

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Was looking for some advice on how I could go about talking to a girl at my campus's gym. Now usually I wouldn't try such a thing, but I've seen her looking at me plenty of times and I think she's gorgeous to warrant an attempt. She's usually with a friend. I don't know either one of or know anyone that does so this is just a total stranger thing.

there is NOTHING worse than getting hit on at the gym!!!! So try to not make it seem like your hitting on her! Just get on a machine near her one day and say something funny, make a little small talk and leave it at that. then next time u see her, smile and say Hi, (see where that goes) then go from there.

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Difficult for a guy to do without coming accross badly I would think. Definitely avoid anything that looks like you're trying to impress her! I reckon it would be best if you see her outside the actual training area, is there a bar-type part of your gym where you could bump into her?


To the previous poster I would be super-flattered if a girl approached me in the gym. Give him a smile, maybe tease him a little bit and see how it goes. Particularly as you know him through doing a class together, you've already got some shared experience - make jokes about how tough the workout was, ask whether he's coming next week.


Good luck both of you!

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I think gym is one of the toughest places to meet girls. Whatever you do there might look like a desperate attempt to show off or something, and I see too often desperate guys trying desperate show offs anyway. And from what I've seen, girls keep the shields up as strong as possible, so even a decent attempt to chat up most likely gets repelled because she assumes that "geez not again..".


Don't be cocky. Do not try to be funny, if you're funny naturally, that's fine. Don't try hard, no matter what you decide to do. Just say something and make small talk and leave it as that. Say hi to her the next day, and see what happens.




To annie, I think it's easier for girls. Most guys would be delighted to be approached at gym, because so many guys go to gym to be attractive. And the decent guys who go to gym for their health or something tend to respond well anyways. I dunno, maybe ask the guy to spot you or something, or ask him about working out. Or just go by any approach that you would use at street.

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At my gym, it's like a dating site,


I cannot believe how much I see people get asked out,


Make yourself approachable, smile, look the person in the eye, then look away, then make eye contact again,


That seems to do the job for me,


And if you don't want to be hit on,


Have a radio with earphones on and it curbs all problems.





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Doesn't saying hello and introducing yourself work anymore.???


I wish it did


I guess you should try to find an opportunity where she isn't in an intense workout or is relaxing on one of those bikes/treadmills/ellipticals or whatever. and Hopefully she isn't listening to her ipod like lots of girls I've seen do so at the gym LOL

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i've actually read that the gym is the perfect place to pick up girls. Firstly the girls are likely to be looking there worst. Eg sweaty, not dressed up. They could thereforeeee be flattered that you have noticed them in this state.


There guard will be down and may not be expecting you to pick up on them. especially compared to a club environment.


Its also so easy to come up with conversational openers. Just talk about the gym equipment. Maybe even act dumb and ask her how to switch it on or use a specific feature etc. If your into your training and going to the gym, you will also have something to talk about, for the opening conversation, and someting in common.


Lastly if shes looking at you regually, she most likely likes you man. Just go for it. What you got to loose? Smile back. Have the bottle to go over. Small talk. Ask her out for a drink or coffee if she says no. She says no. Your being confident by being direct, and we all love confidence. She knows your probly hitting on her anyway delaying it will make you look nervous. Why waste time? Continue being friendly, if you get to know her better. Tell her the offers still open.


Thanx Keep us posted

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  • 3 weeks later...

All I can say is that girls hate being asked out or hit on while they work out or while they're at gym. When at gym you're exposed to everone else and there are mirrors every where and girls just dont like it. If you gonna look at her dont look at her in the mirror.


DONT hit on a girl in a gym.

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