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HELP: need gift advice for partner parents

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I need advice. Fast.


I will be meeting my partner's parents when I travel over to the far east.


I found out that most people ask partner's parents for permission to marry. However we are already married and I didn't do this.


My partner's parents already bought me 1000 pound suit, & more clothes that I currently have over a period of time as gifts. They have awaiting even more clothes for me when I arrive.


But I like to return the favour and buy them gifts. The hardest question is, what should I buy my partner's mum & dad? (please concentrate on mum since that's the hardest).



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Why don't you ask your spouse?


I think that some type of piece of art would be neat, especially something *special* to your location, like a local silver or crystal company, I like the idea of a painting or picture of the city that you and their child live in. Like another poster said, a type of scrapbook would most likely be very appreciated.


Think about what you can get where you are, that they cannot get where they are.

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