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Ugly Nipples--why me??!!

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I have the ugliest nipples. They are not smooth at all. I have never changed clothes in front of anyone that my back wasn't towards them. My husband is caring about them to me, but i know he would like to look at pretty ones. They are rough looking w/ lots of mont. glands. (pumps) When cold and all they look like prunes.HELP! HELP! Breast are nice size and perky. Nipples -Yuck! I am told i'm an attractive woman. I am glad I can hide it to the world, but I want to give my husband what he deserves!!!!!!! Are all nipples Beautiful??!!

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Thanks you guys for your imput. Iam very insecure about them, but i guess I just need to love them huh? Thanks again


According to your first post your husband doesn't seem bothered by your nipples. I don't see why you should feel insecure about them. I am sure they are probably not "ugly" as you put it. Seems most womens nipples are going to have the little bumpy parts on the areola and most are going to get a bit shrively when it is cold. All seems normal to me.

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Your husband doesn't care, infact very few men would... you don't see on dating advertisements "must have perfect nipples"


As AntiLove_SuperStar said "nipples are nipples"


We don't care, the only thing that'd freak me out if you had none at all lol.

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Thanks for are your post!! I've needed to know that my nipples and areola aren't deformed. Only my OB/GYN, husband, and myself have seen them. I want to feel like I can flaunt them to my husband!! Thanks for the encouragement! I was told when I was 8 yrs.old and had a speedo on that it looked like you could play connect- the -dots on my nipples per a 12 yr. old boy. The bathing suit was fitted and they "all stuck out". It made me hide them ever since. But I am ready to Love them--I hope. Thanks again. I have wanted to have "areola surgery". Guess not uh?

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The human body, particularly the female body, is a marvelous work of art. We are each unique. We may not like certain things about our bodies, but think of the wonderful things those parts do. Your nipples provide you and your husband pleasure, and possibly provided nourishment for your children. Also, almost nothing is really as bad as it seems to us at the time. It's alot like people who think when they're 16 or so that they're hideously fat and when they're 35 or so, they look at the pics from that time and go "wow, I was really only a tiny bit chubby". It's all about perspective and experience.


You had someone tell you something that was very embarrassing, especially at that age and it's normal to internalize such remarks.


When you look at yourself in the mirror after your shower or whatever, say aloud "I have nice/normal/pretty nipples". While it sounds dumb (and may feel dumb to do), it really does work for alot of people.

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