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is it a contest?


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well, I'm not too good at explaning things, but ill try my best regardless--


See, there's a friend i have whom i love very much, She's really important to me and i she's one of my best friends and we hang out together, atleast A LOT more than all of my other GUY friends....(actually i'm really the first or only guy who's called to go out), but when we're around eachother and our friends, or rather when she's around i try to make her jealous. I really don't think about it even, but its more like an automatic action. I've got plent of other girl-friends who i hang around with and i love as my sisters, but when she comes around I'm more clingy than i usually am towrds them. This, in turn or alteast what i process it as in my head, makes her almost ignore me, or just pay more attention to other guys who never get the "hey lets do something this weekend" from her. But with her being so emotionaly inward with everyone it would be hard to just say "I love you" without solid proof she'd feel the same way back. it's not always like that, but many times it seems like we're just playing a game called "Who gets Jealous First". i guess when two scorpions fight it's gonna get messy.

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See, there's a friend i have whom i love very much, She's really important to me and i she's one of my best friends


Have you told her this? That right there is perfect, and your very own words. You could tell her this, and also explain why sometimes you act a little bit goofy when others are around.

Simply letting her know that you are aware of what you are doing, and you are thinking of how it affects her - is enough.

It'll get the dialogue going.


But with her being so emotionaly inward with everyone it would be hard to just say "I love you" without solid proof she'd feel the same way back. it's not always like that, but many times it seems like we're just playing a game called "Who gets Jealous First". i guess when two scorpions fight it's gonna get messy.


Now this makes me wonder ...Are you in love with her?


I'd go with a simple talk to address your behavior that she could possibly being seeing as just rudeness, to start. The rest will unfold on its own.


Communication. That's all. Best luck.

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Now this makes me wonder ...Are you in love with her?


truth is yeah, I really am. but the thing thats keeping me from telling her is that she's just so weird about things like this so its a little akward trying to bring this topic up. I know it seems childish to do this, and it might end up with someone getting hurt, but it almost fun...i cant really explain it

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