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Curious about Love?

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Love is not a panacea for all problems. People in love are still susceptible to the same stresses and problems as people who are not and sometimes the love itself can cause problems.


Personally I think if someone maintains and cultivates fairytale notions of love they are likely to be disappointed in the reality. Life long relationships and love involve a lot of hard work.

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I think if you think of loving as synonymous with giving, you stop thinking of it in abstract terms and focus on the specific ways you can give to your partner - it's a bit less thrilling/larger than life but it also makes it real. I'd rather have love shown to me in the little and bigger things and show love in return than hear lofty statements of love.

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In my experience sometimes love just isn't enough. You can truly love someone, but you can also be sticking with something that just doesn't have all the elements there. You know the old adage "If you love something, let it go." You can't change a person. All you can do is enhance one anothers life.


Being a hopeless romantic isn't a bad thing. However, not all people think of the concept of love being enough to conquer all. If so I think the divorce rate wouldn't be so high. I have known people to breakup or divorce because they DID love each other so much and they knew the happiness was long gone out of the relationship.

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Love is not a panacea for all problems. People in love are still susceptible to the same stresses and problems as people who are not and sometimes the love itself can cause problems.


Personally I think if someone maintains and cultivates fairytale notions of love they are likely to be disappointed in the reality. Life long relationships and love involve a lot of hard work.



That is the best explaination I have ever read about love.

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Yeah it's a lot of hard work to maintain a relationship and sometimes it's not fun, it really is work.

BUT so long as we maintain the love, trust and respect we have now, I'll walk through fire and endure whatever life gives us to be with the love of my life. B/c regardless of how much trouble it is or will be, I know that's nothing compared to a life without him.


So to answer your question, NO love alone is not enough to make it work, but love combined with honesty, respect, trust, and commitment is enough to endure all things.

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Do you think that with Love all things are possible?


Yes, as long as we continue to give unconditional love and leave the fantasy behind.


Does your love for your partner trump everything?


Yes, as long as you maintain a healthy self worth identity.


Does love mean to you that you will do anything , try anything to have a good relationship?


I agree with melrich on this. Weight out the situation and apply it judiciously.


Am I a hopeless romantic ( not that that's bad ) or Is love enough to make it work?


Love along with wisdom and understanding is enough, yet leave the fantasy behind and remain grounded that we're only human.

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all things are possible, but that is within a relationship with someone...i mean, when u are in love with someone u can climb mountains and do anything...but that doesn't mean love can fix a broken relationship...love works within boundaries...and there are different kinds and ways of love

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