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Ex-best friend is trying to ruin my life!!

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i'm 18 and a senior in high school. there's this girl that i was on-and-off best friends with since the 8th grade. i'll admit, we did have a lot of fun together but these past couple years things have seemed to change. she always talked a lot of crap about people and make up lies to get others not to like them. i know this because i was so close with her. well, we had a falling out in february because of something REALLY stupid and i really didn't even do anything wrong and ever since then she's been telling everyone my personal business even though i would still NEVER do that to her and she makes up lies to get everyone against me. its very immature and i keep trying to not let it get to me but its just hard. i'm finishing my senior year by taking online courses because of all this. i just can't go to school and have everyone hate me. i have a new best friend and a WONDERFUL boyfriend so i'm happier than ever at the moment, but i'm just afraid that she is going to keep lying and lying and lying and eventually get my bf to break up with me even though she doesn't talk to him. i'm just really scared because people believe EVERYTHING that she says about me because they all know that we used to be best friends so it must be true. but what they don't know is that she is just trying to make everyone hate me so she will feel better about herself. she is very narcissistic and thinks that everyone wants to be just like her. i have never in my life met someone so insecure. and even though we aren't friends anymore i NEVER talk crap about her to anyone. i keep her name out of my mouth. i could do what she's doing to me, but i'm not low enough to stoop down to her level. i'm better than that, and making fun of others and making their life hell doesn't make me feel any better about myself.



damn it felt good to let that all out!! let me know what you think.

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oh no. I am so sorry!


i think this will all pass. eventually, she will find someone new to spread gossip about, and life will be good again.


are you moving away to college? it would be good to start all over again.


have you told your boyfriend that she makes up lies about you?

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your ex best friend isn't coming to the same college I hope?


I think it will all blow over in time... I hope that some people at your school can see that she is making up all these stupid rumors.


are you sure that everyone hates you? maybe they don't believe what she says or don't care...

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My friend went through what you are going through now. I was there to listen to all she had to say. What she was to keep quiet about what is going on. Basically she wouldn't speak up until someone asked her. Say her friend said that she kissed 8 guys in one night and that didn't happen, my friend would not try to counter it unless someone asked her if she did and she would say no. That way she looked better and the other girl looked bad. And no one believes anything that the girl says. Hope this helps. You can PM me if you have anymore questions.

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Ew, what a drama queen! I give you props for how you're handling the situation, shows a lot about your maturity! Seriously though, it seems like you're perfectly content with other aspects of your life (ie your man and your new best friend), so I would just try to focus on the good rather than the bad. If you just ignore her and stop giving her attention, then eventually she'll go away. Like everyone else said, she's a just drama queen that craves other people's attention. Nobody's gonna want to be friends with her anyways cuz who would want to be friends with someone that talks trash about everyone else? It's not exactly making herself look any better either. It's good thing that you're going to move away from college and get away from all this crap. Hope things will look up for you!

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I have a similar problem too. My ex best friend and I had a falling out about two weeks ago. She randomly showed up to my house 10:30 at night because I wouldn't answer my phone. We had been off again on again friends as well. But everyone pretty much thought she was crazy. I was the only person to befriend her. We had a lot of fun together as friends, but sometimes people just grow appart. She'd send my boyfriend texts and stuff about how much I was being a {mod edit} and she even slept with my boyfriends brother. Just crazy stuff you know? Soon my boyfriend and his brother were about to fight her boyfriend. Just crazy stuff that she'd start to get attiention and it'd just escalde into something alot bigger.


People do grow appart. Maybe ya'll just grew appart. Your in your senior year and have a new best friend and a great boyfriend. She could be jealous of you and making your life crazy because she is mad. I'm sorry you had to take online classes because of her. Just stay strong. She will get over her little tantrum soon. Just try to stay happy with your new friend and your boyfriend. It's your last year in high school, next year it will be college and you'll get new friends. Trust me lol. My boyfriend told me "you know it's something wrong with a person when they only have one friend". My ex friend and her boyfriend split up and be and my boyfriend are still going strong. What goes around comes around. She'll get what she's got coming sooner enough. Just try to cut her out of your life. There's no sense in being friends with her again after what she's done. No one can make you happy but yourself, so just DO YA THANG!!!!

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Ah i've been there. Good friend from high school... got in a fight with her, and she ended up chasing away a lot of my friends (or at least who i thought were my friends) In hindsight, I'm fine with things, and it weeded out the superficial friends, and i got great relationships with certain people who sided with me to this day.


her on the other hand went through numerous breakups, moved to a different city and downgraded her aspiration from being a doctor to a nurse =/ karma will get you!

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