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How many people have actaully gotten back together with their ex's? If so how long was the seperation, and what was the outcome of the new relationship? People tend to disillusion themselves about gettin back together. So I thought it might help if people saw just how many people have gotten back together and what the relationship was like.


My ex broke up with me and two months later we went back out, but the first couple of months all I thought about was how could she have done this to me. But I believed she was truly sorry so I forgave her. We went out for a year and ten months. Then we broke up again this summer. Same situation almost she is even goin out with some guy she met at the ball park(thats what happened last time). Proving he who forgets the past is doomed to repeat it. I do love her but I question now wether another relationship and another broken heart is worth it.

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Well Z,

I was in a relationship for about 2 years, and I bailed out for two months. After realizing that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, I appologized and begged for forgiveness, and we got back together. Three wonderful years passed, and I proposed marriage. She accepted, and life was perfect! I was so in love with her that I couldn't think of anything else but growing old together.


Just a month and a half ago (after 6 months of engagement), she decided she needed to make sure this was really what she wanted, it's a big decision. So, here I sit... not knowing. She has left, and I don't know if I'll ever see her again.


I know I would have never left her again, and so I guess history didn't repeat itself, but came back to haunt instead.


That's my story!


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