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msged me after a week, mean anything?

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hey again all, its been 4 weeks since my break up and im not doing any better. ive been talking to this other girl online and i put this away up with a smiley face in it. my ex who never initiated any convo after the break up. msged me about it and asked if i had a hot date with someone? anyone who knows my story thinks thats weird? let me know.

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I can relate to your confusion about being contacted after not hearing anything. I myself am in the middle of a "Break", which is supposed to end with a "date" at the end of September. I have heard from my "boyfriend" (I don't know if I can still call him that or not.. my girlfriends say he isn't mine anymore), anyway.. I have heard from him 3 times on MSN. And each time he starts with chit chat like, "how are you doing" and stuff. Then after a little while he tells me how much he misses sex, how he needs sex, but no mention of missing me.. missing spending time with me, or being with me (in a non-sexual sense). Do guys relate relationships to sex? Or is this just him going.. "Oh * * * *.. It's harder to get laid now.. I'm not getting it 3 times or so a week anymore..".


From a females perspective on your situation with her contacting you after learning of another girl.. It could be one of two things.. She is jealous, the thought of another woman in your life made her realize what she had. Or she is just trying to allievate her guilt by making sure your moving on in the romance department. The best way to find out is to look at the conversation you had, and any future conversations you have with her, if any. Where were her questions heading? Were they about you, or the new girl? Did she ask if you missed her, or starting talking fun you had or things you did? Or were the question more like.. are you happy? Is she nice? have you started dating her? Those questions to me would seem like the type I would ask if I wanted to make sure everything was okay. If I wanted to get a guy back, I would not be asking nicely about the other woman. I don't know if this helps or not, but all you can do with information from others is to take what you need to apply it to your situation. On a personal note, do you have any ideas for me with my break? What goes on in a man's head?


Take care,

a girl in the world

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So you confuse her huh? What are you doing to confuse her? Does she know you want her back, and this other girl business has her confused? Maybe her plan to still have you there waiting for her is now in jeopordy. It could be that she thinks you will be pining over her forever, and now that it seems to her that you are not. Her "You confuse me" comment is short and non-commital. To me, it sounds like she is trying to draw you out, to get you to explain your behavior. It it something I would write if I was trying to get an answer, as it is a conversation starter to draw the other person out to talk. The question you have to ask is.. do I want to be the one explaining myself, or not.



On the NC, rule.. what is this rule, and what does it mean?


-a girl in the world

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