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Everything posted by dman05

  1. you gotta do the NC. its the only way.
  2. she msged me last night again, i didnt respond. this time she wrote "you confuse me" i dont know if i should break my no contact to respond to her. please help.
  3. hey again all, its been 4 weeks since my break up and im not doing any better. ive been talking to this other girl online and i put this away up with a smiley face in it. my ex who never initiated any convo after the break up. msged me about it and asked if i had a hot date with someone? anyone who knows my story thinks thats weird? let me know.
  4. why would she do all the extra things. why would she want me to be there with her, and make plans for when she came home? she was so caring, but now shes is mean and defensive
  5. why would she say she wanted me to be with her and she missed me while she was there. and then said that 1 dollar to text family and friends was too much money. so she made her family worry for 3 days until she finally texted anyway. that doesnt make sense to me. im thinking she went somewhere different and she couldnt get service and somethign happened like she cheated or something. she never went a day without talking to me until then. shed call me more than id call her. and when she finally messaged me like 3 days later the i miss u that was always in the text msgs was gone. so the more i think about it something happened during those 3 days. she cant use the excuse that it was bc it cost too much when it was only a dollar. plus she texted eventually anyway. i think she just felt like a break up was the only way out of her guilt.
  6. i just wanted to bump up this post and let ppl read my story again please help out...she is being ignorant for the first time ever out of the 6 months i knew her. as soon as she came back from her trip she had to break up and be ignorant, shes totally different and doenst care about me. she seems like she completley moved on, and is really defensive when i ask why she changed and why she didnt call anyone in those 3 days in the middle of her trip. not even her parents. im thinking she went with someone and didnt have service, because shed at least call her parents and let them know she was ok, shes that kind of person. someone please help, ill answer any questions if i didnt give enough info
  7. do you think if i would of shown my true feelings and acted how i really wanted to and not of held back her feelings would of changed
  8. no im not gonna contact her, but the closure i need i will never get.
  9. one day she wants me to be with her and excited about seeing me, then the next she doesnt? it just sounds like soemthing happened. she doesnt even care about me anymore, she moved on like she never met me.
  10. i know but do you guys think she really tried forcing herself to feel somethign bc she wanted to make it work or do u think something happened on the trip?
  11. I am going crazy, she is all I can think about. I am about to start my new job and I can't focus like I would like. What can I do? Is it over for good?
  12. Ok here goes. I started seeing this girl about 6 months ago. i am 24 she is 19. the first month everything went well. we loved each others company, and we talked and saw each other every chance we could. things were going great. then one day after about 2 months, she said she just was confused and didnt think she wanted a relationship. i was obvioulsy saddened bc i was starting to feel "those" kinds of feelings. the next day after no contact, she said she realized how much i meant to her and wanted to try again. i agreed. things were going great again and she kept saying how much she wanted to be with me. when we werent together she said how she missed me, and always brought me home surprises such as food from work or clothes from shopping. things were going great. after about a month or two of this, i wanted to take it to the next level. i was just unsure about how to do this. so i never talked about it. THIS IS WHERE THE STORY GETS WEIRD! 2 weeks ago she went on vacation, the first few days there she told me how much she missed me and wished i was there, and couldnt wait to show me all the pictures of her trip. then all of a sudden no contact from her for the last 3 days of her trip. this was the first time we didnt maintain some contact in our whole relationship...i kinda figured somethign was wrong. i was hoping she was ok and that nothing happened. well she ended up being fine and the day she got home i got a msg saying we need to talk. she told me her feelings were never in love feelings and she felt like we were only friends. i am heartbroken bc i never told her how i truly felt and that i wanted more. she said she stuck around for 6 months hoping the feelings would come but never did. MY QUESTION IS, why would she pretend for 6 months? she had to have known all along. ALSO, do you think something happened on her trip? It just doesnt make sense that she said she wished i was there with her and that she missed me so much. and then all of a sudden i dont hear from her. so i told her all my feelings that i never did before she broke it off, and she said im sorry but i dont feel the same. I even told her for the first time I loved her (which i wanted to for a little while) is it possible she never had feelings for 6 months and was just playing with me, if so why would she waste all of her own time? ANYONE WITH ADVICE, PLEASE HELP.
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