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I met a girl almost 3 months ago who lives 500km away. She gave me her number and she is the one who wanted to visit me.At first we she emailed and phoned almost every other day.I reluctantly got involved with her(didnt want a LDR) But we have visted each other twice get along really well . Now I really like her,but i havent seen her now for 6 weeks.I dont haven,t had the time to go see her, but she has lots of time to come see me.


Now she only calls or emails once a week and when we do talk she never has anything to say. I have a feeling the end is near. I get the feeling she is not going to come and visit anymore . Today she told me she is going on vacation with a guy friend(just friends). it bothers me a bit .Maybe I am a little paranoid ,I havent said anything about it and am just playing it cool.


Is this how LDR usually work out? you just kind of drift apart .

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Trevor and I talk several times a day. Sometimes just for a minute, sometimes for hours, depending on what I have to do with the kids, his work, my work, etc. We try not to just sit in silence (sorry, Lost)...


We don't force it, though, and it seems like you two might have run out of steam. You can let it die a slow painful death, or you can make the move to cut it off.


Explain to her just what you told us, and if she fights for it, then give it another chance. If she agrees and you part ways amicably, then you have your answer...


Sorry and Good Luck!

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Me and steff(my ldr partner) try to talk everyday even if its jus for 5 min...jus hearing her voice makes it easier....sometimes the only time we get to talk is to say good night to eahcother, but as long as we talk it makes it easier...it sounds like your LDR wasnt wnated from the get go....you found someone youhad fun with and then did LDR thing and now it sux like the initial passion of a relationship is gone and it being LD makes it really hard to continue a relationship....id say try to cut it off and see what happens

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When I was in an LDR, I found that talking once every day or two was comfortable. However, we often sent text messages back and forth throughout the day. Just little things... it eases the pressure of having to have an actual "conversation" while still kind of sharing your day with them. Sort of like carrying them around in your pocket...

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Been there...


What's funny is that we still talk. He has a girlfriend now, and I still have feelings for him. I get upset when I see his avitars and she's there. I tell him it doesn't bother me but it does... last night I cried.


Though... he still flirts once and a while, and when he visited me, we nearly kissed. And has wanted to kiss me. And "hinted" that he still had some feeling towards me.


You should know, when it comes to these types of relationships... the other person involve that seems to get "bored" with the relationship wants the physical part to.


The need and want for the physical part of the relationship seemed to killed it for us. I would have been willing to continue that relationship, but he didn't want to. So I didn't push it. Though it hurts like HELL... I wish him and his girlfriend the best.

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