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Saved because of you...


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Broken I was,

Left behind to die.

Shaken I was,

My only shield was to lie.


Then you found me,

The pain so hard to describe,

You helped me,

Helped me feel better deep inside.


No longer do I feel alone,

Now I feel at rest.

No longer do I face this alone,

I know you truly are the best.


Thankyou for letting me smile,

Thanks for all the hugging.

Thankyou for making me smile,

Thanks even for you're bugging.


Without you I could have died,

You never left my side.

Without you I would have died,

Never leave my side.


I need you now,

My father you have become.

Don't let me down now,

For it is because of you I am this person I have become.

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