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QUESTION FOR GUYS: Are you into A) merely big breasts or B) female chest in general?

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Personally, i think big breasts are only for initial attraction. Like my girlfriend, for example, is quite small breasted, but to me it doesnt matter at all, ive got used to them and am perfectly happy with them, its never been a problem between us.


I think the only turn off from girls with small breasts, is if their confidence when being intimate with guys is low, or if they worry about what the guy will think. If, however, they appear to be perfectly happy and confident about themselves, then the guy will hardly notice, and soon become extremely happy with you and your body.

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I think it depends on the rest of your figure.


I was a 36-38C about 6 months ago,


I lost 40 lbs, and dropped a cup size,


However, I get more attention now than I did before,


Because now I am much more toned,


And I carry myself with much greater confidence,


I don't think guys are so tuned into the breasts,


As so much as your smile, how well you carry yourself,


Your general demeanor is much more important for good guys.


Let me add though that there are some guys who are obsessed with breasts,


My ex wanted me to get implants to be a DD,


But he was a creep,


So you don't want those types of guys anyways.

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I think it's more about being proportional - than huge or small either way.


I dated a man once whom loved small breasts (like A's or B's) but I am a 34C - but he ended up loving mine because I was proportionate...he had realized he liked a more athletic/slender body and always associated small breasts with that so thought that was what he liked, but then he met me and realized you could have both that athletic/toned body and larger breasts due to those genetics.


My boyfriend is a breast man...BUT....that's not why he is with me! And I know he would love me no matter what breast size I am at (and recently we had a discussion about what would happen if like my mother, grandmothers, and so on I got a mastectomy in my 30s or 40s and his answer was that he would adore me whether I had to wear "chicken cutlets" or not).


Attraction really is about the confidence you project, the personality that shines through and also making the best of what you DO have, not worrying about what you "don't"!


Seriously, though, there are men attracted to all sorts of physical features. Even if I have been wearing something that may show a bit of cleavage, I have found not EVERYONE goes for that! I have had comments on my butt, my legs, my shoulders/back (my bf is also a "shoulder/back" kinda guy - he loves seeing nice muscle definition in the back for some reason when a woman wears a dress that shows off the shoulders/back) so don't think boob size is all there is to it. Heck, even my hair!

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Hey, I lost some weight too. And I went from "32-A" to "31-Nothing" LOL. Noone even designs bra's that size.



Thanks for ur support! But I can't deny it, I envy you! I'll always feel incomplete, I hate being even flatter than... than... than... asian girls! I'll always wish I was curvier. Major tantrum here.

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for me the initial attraction is all about face, and a bit of the overall proportion of the body (plain fat girl doesn't get too much attraction, nor does unhealthy bony anorectic look). It's not about the breasts, if there's a pattern of what kind of girls I usually like, it's girls with smaller breasts actually. Oh, and whatever your body is like, you can learn to carry it right, just like you can either carrry clothes right or wrong. If you carry yourself right, you'll look good no matter what.

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I agree completely with RayKay & Markers here,


That it's all about the confidence you portray,


I was born with a genetic analomy in my chest wall,


My sternum (the bone between your breasts) caved in when I was a child,


But I have learned to love it,


I know my breasts look smaller than they are with a shirt on,


Because my chest has sunken in,


But I absolutely love it, because it makes me unique,


When asked if I wanted to surgically fix it,


I was like, no way, I would never change who I am,


You need to be comfortable in your own skin,


If everyone had the same size breasts and looked alike,


Life would be so boring,


If you are really really concerned about your breast size,


You could take the mini-pill (birth control), it's progestin only, and tends to increase breast size, but you will have water weight elsewhere too.


But I am sure you look beautiful just the way you are!





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Believe me, I wish mine were smaller sometimes because it would be much better for running...even with awesome sport bras, it isn't perfect! I want unmovable boobs!


I usually consider mine more of a curse than anything else. Don't get me wrong, I do love them as they are part of me, however, because I also have that HUGE genetic risk of breast cancer, I often remember that I may only have them for so many more years anyway! Honestly, I would trade them for chance to inherit smaller ones without my "cancer genes". Of course women (and men) of any size can get breast cancer, but along with the larger breasts that run in my family so too does the breast cancer risk (I actually have small ones in comparison as my mother WAS a DD, and my sister is an F! Mine used to be D's when I was a teen, but as I got MORE into athletics they became smaller and settled into this size).



I developed early, and often heard some rather nasty comments and assumptions because I had breasts while most people were still trying to convince their moms to get them into training bras.


If you are concerned about "curves" - working out and building muscle can actually give you surprising curves...since you are female you won't get bulky unless you are supplementing, but you can give certain areas a nice boost (like your butt!).

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I am so curious about your post now,


Do you notice that if you work your pecs, it enhances your breasts,


I tried doing that for some time,


And I was worried a bit,


That my chest would end up looking more sunken in,


Here's what I have: link removed


I want to try it out though,


Any recommendations?

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I am so curious about your post now,


Do you notice that if you work your pecs, it enhances your breasts,


I tried doing that for some time,


And I was worried a bit,


That my chest would end up looking more sunken in,


Here's what I have: link removed


I want to try it out though,


Any recommendations?


Hi Rose,


I actually had a friend whom had the same condition as you.


Definitely, working my chest does produce more of a "lift" in that area and more definition around my pectorals. I think that working your chest in a variety of ways to make sure to build up the inner portion of the pectoral as well would be a good idea for you too.


What may be a good idea in your case is to actually talk with a physiotherapist about the best exercises to do, I am not sure if your muscle strength there is at full capacity or if there are some special precautions you need to take?

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Hi Rose,


I actually had a friend whom had the same condition as you.


Definitely, working my chest does produce more of a "lift" in that area and more definition around my pectorals. I think that working your chest in a variety of ways to make sure to build up the inner portion of the pectoral as well would be a good idea for you too.


What may be a good idea in your case is to actually talk with a physiotherapist about the best exercises to do, I am not sure if your muscle strength there is at full capacity or if there are some special precautions you need to take?


Thanks Raykay!


I will definitely look into that,


I would like to build up that area,


But I am afraid of hurting myself,


My heart and lungs were shifted off to the side,


So I try to be extra careful not to sustain injuries,


As they could be life-threatening,


I do want to build up my pec muscle,


So I think I will make an appt with a physiotherapist,


And see what they suggest,


Thanks for the help again!

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I post my answer since there been bearly any guys answering lol.


Over all I go for a womans body than one part of her. But saying that a flast chested girl is a turn off to me. I don't need a girl with huge breast as B cups are just fine for me. But I think it goes back to what RayKay said about the breast being proportional to the rest of the body.


The more proportional the breast, butt, and hips are to the rest of the body the more likely I will be attracted physically to the girl. Yes there are guys that like girls in the smaller cups, but they are hard to find due to us guys talking about breast and noticing them.

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Breasts matter very little to me. I have never been attracted to a lady but not completely happy with her natural breast size. Overall looks are important to me, but the only physical feature that I feel really matters are a woman's eyes and her face overall. A woman's eyes and face show emotions and tell a lot about who they are. I could care less if a woman I was interested in needed to have her breasts completely removed. It wouldn't change my level of attraction for her one iota. If it helps any, looks for me are of limited importance. Once I find a woman attractive, then I am looking at other characteristics.


I can extend my thoughts further. It also doesn't matter to me about female blemishes. Or heaven forbid if a woman needed to have an arm or leg removed. So long as it did not effect the possibility of long term compatibility (can still have sex etc), I wouldn't let physical blemishes keep me from being attracted to or wanting to ask out that particular woman.


imo, you have to consider what it is that really matters to you. Once you know that, you are in a better position to answer questions like these.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Are big breasts such a turn on, like, the ultimate turn on, as media and culture makes us believe?


Can a seriously flat chested girl be also an object of desire for u guys, or an average amount of breast is necesarily required in all cases?


I don't think that media culture makes us believe that bigger breasts are better. Look at any kind of printed advertisement (ie. GAP). All super skinny, flat chested women. Some models (even super models) have no breasts at all.


Are bigger breasts a major turn on? I wouldn't say a major but in some way they may complement the whole "package" (personality + body) but aren't a requirement. At least not for me.


Now the whole bigger breasts thing is directly related to women wanting men with broad shoulders. It's inprinted in our instincts carried over from our predecessors that lived thousands of years ago. Size mattered back then. Big men with broad shoulders meant protection for women. Women with big breasts meant survival for the youngest ones.


These days, I wouldn't consider it a big selling point.


Now, nice round hips... (j/k)

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I don't think that media culture makes us believe that bigger breasts are better. Look at any kind of printed advertisement (ie. GAP). All super skinny, flat chested women. Some models (even super models) have no breasts at all.


You're right; along with all these huge-breasted Playboy-type women you also get plenty of slim, small-breasted actresses and models accross the media.


Size mattered back then. Big men with broad shoulders meant protection for women. Women with big breasts meant survival for the youngest ones.

This isn't true because small breasts produce just as much milk for babies as big breasts. Also, many mothers were quizzed on breastfeeding and they found that it is easier to feed a baby with small to medium sized breasts rather than large ones due to the danger of accidentally suffocating the baby.

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This isn't true because small breasts produce just as much milk for babies as big breasts.


You're right about that but did "cavemen" know about it? They didn't have that kind of knowledge so of course using primitive measures they must have concluded that bigger is better. Mulitiply that by thousands of generations and you got yourself a nasty habit.

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