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I used to be a happy out going kid, I loved to smile and laugh and be around those who love me.... up until recently. I can't stop crying. I just feel generally sad, and I want to shut everyone out. I don't even want to get out of bed anymore. I cried so hard this morning I gave myself an asthma attack. So, I'm trying to think of everything that is new to me that could have triggered this change. I lost the job I had lined up for when I graduated from beauty school, which is ok because my boss was very mean. My brother was supposed to go to college near me but ended up going home becasue he felt out of place there. I just moved in with my boyfriend, almost 4 hours away from home, which shouldn't really make a difference bacause I've lived 3 hours away for a year now. I just turned 20... not a kid anymore... I don't know what's going on with me. my boyfried just holds me and says everything will be ok tomorrow, you're just tired... because it's usually at night when I get like that, although today it was as soon as I got up...5am...I can't live like this, feeling so beaten down. It's like I can't even handle my own feelings anymore. I don't know what to do. I have an up coming doctors appointment but part of me doesn't want to say anything about this because I know their answer is going to be some drug. I don't want to rely on a pill to make me happy. I wish I could be all on my own. I just don't know any more.

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Nothing in the universe can bring you happyness exept loving and helping other people, because this is the meaning of life. We live in a world that is filled with darkness and hatred, so its not strange that this is pulling you down and effecting you in a negative way. In such a case its good to take a step back, and reflect that yes there is good in this world which is worth celebrating. You see we live to enjoy our lives in a positive constructive way.

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Hi- I'm sorry you're feeling really bad. I know how it feels to just be upset and not know why. I spent the best part of four months just locked up not doing anything and having no clue what was going on. They gave me pills in the end and I must say it helped but it took a long time to get off them- and I like to think there might have been another way. But I can't deny they definitely got me through a rough patch- gave me the ability to think clearly for a little while.


Maybe you are really unhappy about something in your life. I hated where I was living, who I was with and how sick my mom was.


So I think the most difficult thing to think about is that something is really wrong and you need to change it. And sometimes just the massiveness of what we might have to do to be happy is too much. And we get depressed and overwhelmed instead. It's easier than thinking about what's wrong.


But to say again- pills do help you think about things you can't. I went to counselling first though. Often doctors can put you in touch with someone.

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Hi babyphatbabe,


I remember we talked last month about you moving in with your bf.


Sorry that the job did not work out.


You do not need pills, you have to learn to deal with everday issues. Life is not always easy, sorry.


You expected a job, it did not work out, find another one.

You expected your brother close by, it did not work out, let it be.



Don't hang on to regrets and be proactive.


I hope you feel better now, if not read this.


If you have questions or need help, just ask.

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You are focusing on two little bugs that hit your windsheild as you are driving through life. I didn't get a job wanted so I did something different. My brother is moving 11 hours away. These are just aspects of life. You will get a job, usually when you do not get the job you want, you get a better one. Focus on making friends in the area you now live. Hope this helps.

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I think what is not being understood is that I don't care about that job, at the present moment I have afew more lined up. it was just added stress that I did not need.and with my brother moving back, again, not a big deal, just disappointing. I am not focusing on these points just trying to figure out why I feel depressed all the time.

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