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eharmony and match.com

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link removed is designed more closely for what you're looking for. eHarmony tends to be marketed towards "finding the love of your life".


Match is good. Two thumbs up. I've met women from there and we had some great times together. They've redesigned it since then too, you should check it out...

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Hey Josh- Your questions are very involved. People write books on this stuff, it would taken me 2 days to write you a decent and complete answer...


But the short story is:


1) What "kind" of women? I don't know what you mean by this. I think a lot of people have 2 misconceptions about online dating: a) People online are some distinct and separate subset of people in "real life" and b) People on the Internet are weird, creepy, dangerous, etc.


People on the Internet are people in "real life". I met a lot of different people you would meet anywhere in society, students, lawyers, doctors, waitresses, mortgage brokers, etc. Everyone...


Another common misconception is people think they "meet people off the Internet". This is not quite true. You meet people in real life, so if you plan on meeting at a coffee shop or something, that's where you met them...


2) Let's see, some relationships last one date, the longest lasted 1.5 years and the resulting heartbreak was the reason I came to ENA...


3) I am not true "friends" with any of them really. Acquaintences, the occasional joke email forward, that's about it.


4) The best advice I can give you is write the profile yourself, be yourself, and when you write it, write as you were talking to someone in real life...

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Not sure about eharmony - think that is more for relationships.


Match can be for dating/friendships.


I primarily used lavalife, where there were separate "sites" within the site for those looking for "Dating" "Relationships" or "Intimate Encounters". Some people were on one of them, some on two, or some on all three.....


As for the "type" you find on there....well, the same type you find in "real life"! There really ARE people of all types on there, with all sorts of personalities, interests, careers, goals. Most of them use it as another venue to meet people in addition to what they are doing in the "real world" though there are SOME whom are definitely reliant on the online thing to a unhealthy degree too.


I have had a couple short relationships, and a couple long term ones...including the one with my wonderful "living in sin" boyfriend, with whom we both see a long (but great!) future together. But I did develop some friendships too, but nothing very long lasting or deep since most people are looking more for partners, dating and so on.

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Not ready for it yet, but just to keep in mind...


What dating site is good for more long-term-relationships? I'd also like one I can narrow down by geographical area (I cannot go through another LDR!).


You can narrow it down on ANY site, by searching for people in your area (ie within a certain number of miles).


I did the online thing, but only chose to search for and talk to people in my own city.


As for what site is better, it seems to vary by region. Up here lavalife is the most used and match is hardly used at all, whereas in other areas most people use match. There are also dating sites for those whom are Jewish, Christian, into certain sports, motorcycles, travelling, sci-fi....they are everywhere and are options too if you have particular interests.

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I think it's fine (and agree re Eharmony and with what RayKay said about online dating in general) as long as you are honest from the get go that right now you are not looking for a serious relationship. Many people on that site are. I wasn't comfortable with the "I am not looking for a serious relationship but you never know . .. " since even those looking for a serious relationship "never know" where something might lead. Rather, I would be completely up front. Also, if you are not looking for something that becomes quickly physical, make that clear too since often the "just looking for friends" is interpreted by women who are more conservative/traditional as "just looking to hook up." There definitely are women who are conservative/traditional yet not looking for something serious (for example they may be in a challenging new job or grad school) but they may be turned off if there is even a hint of "looking for a fling" in your profile.


Good luck!

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