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why am I feeling like this crazy person?

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To keep it short. I moved from home to a city for a new job. Within a month I met a guy who I fell head over heels for and three months later moved down twenty miles away to live with him in his hometown.


As I hadn't established myself much, all my social circle, apart from friends through work, became my buds.


But in January I moved out and a month ago he dumped me.


Ever since my emotions have been up and down. I don't know who to trust. And I wonder if 'our' friends are my friends too. One minute I'm fine and want to stay and the next I want to run back home again.


Why am I feeling like this? I feel so vulnerable and pathetic.


Over the past week, I've realised that even though we've split and it hurt, we ARE going to be pals and I really want us to because I miss him as a friend. Even though he ended things appallingly. And even though he was crap during the last six months of our relationship.


I've also realised that I'm very popular down here and I have got friends I thought I didn't have.


So why am I finding it hard to trust? I really don't know if I'm doing the right thing living down here still.. But do you think I should just give it time and see what happens??


Gxxx 8)

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Don't run back home but do move out of his home town. Twenty mile is not far and you should be able to continue to be PALS. My experience is that if it is his hometown the friends you met while with him are his friends. This can cause you more hurt than anything. Move back to the city, join a health club, take an art class, get involved in other circles. Do something for yourself. Don't think about it as being alone, think about it as an adventure. There are alot of people out there and you should meet as many of them as you can.


Good luck

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