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For the fellas : worst things girls have said 2 u

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These are the worst comments directed at or towards me from the ladies


1. Why can't more guys be like u

2. I wish my boyfriend was more like u

3. You are the perfect guy and any girl would be lucky to have u

4. You're such a sweetheart

5. I love the fact that u will always be there for me

6. Men are such jerks and pigs. Well, except u of course.

7. you are boyfriend material, and that scares me


So, any comments from the fellas

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1. Once, while I was in a flacid/post coital state, a girlfriend told me my penis was "cute."

2. Why can't I find a guy like you? (Umm, I'm like me.)

3. I love you so much......as a friend

Those are probably my "best of" worst statements I've gotten.

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1. I love you but we just can't make this work

2. We will still be friends, oh? What's with that face, you don't believe me? Honest! (It was a lie of course, not that I wanted to be friends anyways, I know better!)

3. I would never cheat on you (she did)

4. I guess I'll never be good enough. (This is how my ex shuts me up, tries to turn my argument into me trying to control her.. Manipulative $#$, hehe no bitter feelings )


Hmm that's about all I can think of right now, I'm sure I've heard a few other long shots but I'm tired and they aren't coming to mind.

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  • 2 months later...

"Oh my god, guess who showed up today?! Well by that I bet you can guess! Matt is in town!" [Matt being her ex who she is still "friends" with]


"I AM proud of you! He [my ex] wasn't near as sensitive as you.... nor as needy is all"


"Why aren't there more guys out there like you?" (lol, cause we don't get girls like this, so we change)


"Any girl would be so lucky to have a guy like you."


"I would totally go out with you... if you were a few years older."

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