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Well I wouldn't really say I am suicidal. I am however, unbearably, unhappy with my life, and my self. I've never felt so unworthy in my life, and it hurts so much. I would never have the guts to kill my self, but I wish every single day I died in my car accident. I don't wanna feel like this, and I hate talking to people because I hate being judged, or told what's right for me, if I don't know, how should anybody else? I am tired of constantly crying my self to sleep, and not wanting to get out of bed every day. And I don't know how to deal with it.

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I may not be much help but,what I do is try to think of happy things,or hang with people that have good attitudes.I was told that the things around you also affect your mood,or the way you feel,maybe go somewhere that makes you happy.If you ever need to just talk I'm here.Just stay strong,and hang in there.

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i have never seen the journal section i am not that familliar with this site.


thank you socks1w.

i think the people around me, and stuff have a lot to do with how unhappy i am, not to mention how unhappy i am with my self. i can't stand my parents very much.. . and it's not like i am in any posistion to up and move away from them.. and i just lost my boyfriend of 11 months, and i am trying to deal with the mutation of my face in my car accident, and i just don't know how to deal very well

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You can find what KillTheSilence is referring to here.


Tell us about yourself. Do you go to school/university/a job? Boredom, and keeping yourself at home a lot can quickly lead to depression. Do you have a lot of friends in real life and/or online? MSN/email/pm me anytime, if you want someone else to talk to about things.


I'm sorry to hear you broke up with your boyfriend, I hope you find someone else in time.

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i have never seen the journal section i am not that familliar with this site.


thank you socks1w.

i think the people around me, and stuff have a lot to do with how unhappy i am, not to mention how unhappy i am with my self. i can't stand my parents very much.. . and it's not like i am in any posistion to up and move away from them.. and i just lost my boyfriend of 11 months, and i am trying to deal with the mutation of my face in my car accident, and i just don't know how to deal very well


Yeah no problem,Im here to help.If you ever need to just talk you can PM me anytime.

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thank you both so much


i am going into grade 12.

yeah i have lots of friends but they all live in calgary, and i moved to this really small town where i dnt feel like i fit in, so i don't really do much, i mostly spent all of my time with my boyfriend and his friends.


i was recently in a car accident with him, and i have scars on my face, and they are adding to my depression a lot.


i am finally in with a trauma therapist. so i hope that can begin to help me

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missbrittanyy a trauma therapist is a very good idear, PTS Post trurmatic stress can hit you hard and fast, I know this from exspirance, if you have flashbacks and the paincs the trauma therapist will help a lot with that.


As for the cuts on your face, I know this sound trite but the out side of you is not you, age and life change how we look and seeing thows changes and loving our selfs even with them is inpostent. If your young and you feel scars have made you ugly then that will only add to the pain.

The good news if that the one thing man and woman find most atrative is confedance and if you can larn to love how you are now with confedance now then you will be a much stronger pearson.


later on in life the strnght will pay divedans trust me.

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