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How should I deal with a tease?

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I work with this girl.. Ashley... I have known this girl for about a year an a half. We are really good friends, we actually have this stupid thing where we call each other BF, for best friend... I know what your thinking, "Oh hes got it bad in the friend zone." But that's the thing this girl is constantly flirting with me, its pretty bad too. For instance the other day she was like "Hey BF after work do you want to go out in my car and do stuff." I pretty much ignored it because I have kind of gotten used to her being a tease like that. Occasionally she will come up behind me put her butt on mine and just shake it... What the hell is up with that. Another thing she does is go out of her way to come talk to me. She also has a boyfriend that she has been dating for about 2 years. It seems to me though that their relationship sucks though because shes always telling me bad stuff about him.


I kind of like this girl, but I am constantly telling my self not to like her because she is just playing games. Is this the right thing to do?

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Hard to tell. What's clear is that she wants you to want her. Why? Maybe because she genuinely wants to be with you or maybe because she wants the ego pump of knowing that she turns you on.


If her comments are all sexual/playful I'd bet she just wants the attention. If she introduces you to her friends/parents/tries to include you in her life outside of work I'd bet she really wants to be with you.

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Well she tells me that she tells her mom about me. But the thing that really confuses me is that she has a boyfriend.. and I don't know what to think of her flirting. I am about to return to work after about a month off, do you think there is anything I should specifically do?

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Just because she has a 'boyfriend' doesn't necessarily mean she has a relationship - a lot of people stay in 'relationships' because they're either afraid to break it off or they're in a rut.


If it's making you that uncomfortable, you could talk to her about it. But I think this more of a "watch and wait" situation...

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For instance the other day she was like "Hey BF after work do you want to go out in my car and do stuff." I pretty much ignored it because I have kind of gotten used to her being a tease like that.


I would have said, "Sorry ex girlfriend but I have a hot date tonight." and if she acted all hurt or tried to flirt more I'd be like, "Well, you do a lot of talking and this girl backs up her words with actions. She's got a one up on you there! haha!" and would have kept up the facade until she tried to "prove me wrong".

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No, we never went out. BF meant like best friend. But I'm afriad if I actually confront her about it, it will then be akward around her. But I am always thinking in the back of my head shes just waiting for me to make the first move, and I'm just to scared to do it.

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